Monday, October 31, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Looks like a another rainy day

It's icky out, so be sure to look at the rainy day schedule posted up around the building.
 Did you hear about the party????
 Yes! We're going to have a fall bash tomorrow afternoon! Kids can bring their costumes to school, and at 3pm, we're more than happy to help them get suited up for the party! There will be fun,food,and face paint! Don't worry, I'll take loads of picutres and videos to share with all of you here on the blog over the weekend!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's gettin colder...

Nice crisp fall air...... yes our kids are still going outside, BUT not for too long, and definitely wearing coats and sweaters!
 Did you hear about our Fall Fiesta? We're going to have super cool face painting happening on Friday along with games and food for the kids! There will be a special schedule posted up for that day, so don't follow the normal Friday schedule.
 Yes your kids can bring their costumes! Since it's not a normal after school afternoon, we have plenty of time to change into our costumes after we get out of school!
 Yes I will video tape and take pictures of our awesome time and the cool make up effects our art teacher Alison will create! Did I mention she is a professional make up artist? Be sure to check out the blog later this week for the Firday schedule, a list of activities we will be holding Friday, and check for videos and pictures this weekend!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Another great day!

I'm loving this weather! A chill to the air, clouds a plenty, but the sun is just peeking through....Did you go pumpkin picking yet? I hope so!
 I'm so excited about this week! On Friday, Empire is having a little Halloween party, or as I like to refer to it, a Fall Ball! Kids can bring their costumes to school and change into them during after school! We'll eat, play, and be merry! I'll be filming and taking pictures aallll week so I hope you come back to the blog over the weekend to see all the fun!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Another beautiful day! You'll find our kids outside enjoying the weather and if your child is taking the ballet class, please pick them up after ballet is over! Feel free to call or email with any questions!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Stretch it out!

Another day of yoga and I hope everyone had a great holiday break! There will be a slight schedule change coming up for fridays. Now that we offer an awesome theater and improv class, we want to make sure it fits in nicely with our schedule.
 Thank you so much for your patience and I hope to have the updates soon!
 Did you hear about the info session? Next tuesday we're having an ope house for new,returning, and perspective families! We're going to answer questions, tell you about our new classes, and let you meet some of our awesome staff.
 Know of families who are considering after school? Bring them along, let them meet us and get to know what Empire is all about!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Half Day!

Our first Half Day has arrived! The big kids are going to Central Park and the little guys are going to get to watch a movie and relax, and play of course!
Did you hear about our Empire Open house? No? Well, on October 18th, a Tuesday, we're holding an open house for the parents of Ella Baker to come and ask questions and get to know the staff! Know someone who's interested? Bring them along! There will be refreshments and Kinya Trotman,our CEO will be in attendence.
 Feel free to contact me anytime for more info!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What a beautiful day!

 It's beautiful out! I hope it's this nice out tomorrow!
 Today is the first day of Ballet with the Alvin Ailey Dance Company! The first dance session is at 3:30-4:30pm, you can pick up your child from ballet in rm114(on the first floor) at 4:30pm. The kids in that session are prek and k.
The second session starts at 4:30-5:30 and it's for groups 1st and up. They can be picked up at 5:30 from rm 318 or the basement.
 Also, tomorrow is our first half day and we're very excited to have such nice weather! Grades 2&up will be going to Central Park for games and Soccer, they'll head back to Ella Baker around 1:30pm. The little guys will be chilling with a movie and then some outside time. Half day schedule will be posted around the building, but feel free to ask for one ahead of time.
 I hope this is helpful and see you soon!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Open House date!

I apologize for the grammatical errors in my last post! I was typing as I was running out the door and didn't think to double check my work...shame on me....
 I digress, I wanted to post about our awesome scrapbooking class today with Della! She's very nice and creative, a perfect fit for Empire! She is also a para professional at the Ella Baker school so all the kids know her!
 We also have a date for the Empire Open House. Tuesday, October 18, 5:30-7pm. Refeshments will be offered!
 This open house is a chance for you the parents to come and meet some of the staff, ask questions, and of course get a chance to see what this after school has to offer your child. If you know any other Ella Baker families considering the different after school choices, tell them to join us on Tuesday October 18th to learn more about us and the cool classes we offer your children!
 5 days a week, $150 a month, a different class every day of the week, and we hire para professionals from Ella Baker.
At Empire, everyday is an adventure!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


What a nice chill to the air! Yes are kids are still going outside, but it is our top priority to make sure that they are all wearing jackets and sweaters, whether they like it or not!
 Yoga is today and if you haven't had a chance to check our Salvidor's class you should, he's a great teacher and the kids are really enjoying his class.

 We're so excited to boast about our new partnership with the Alvin Ailey Dance Company! Not only are they totally legit dance teachers, you know they've got to be good to part of that dance company.
Not impressed yet? We're also offering improv and theater classes on Friday! We have some talented kids so we want to give them the opportunity to work with real teachers and gain real experience.
 The newsletter comes out today, all the group leaders will be handing them out, but you can also find it posted around the school and in the basement.
 There's a half day on Friday so be sure to sign up and pay Valerie before noon Thursday, October 6. We need to have a solid list of all the children attending so we can staff accordingly.
 There's a holiday coming up October 10, Monday. Yes we are running program and yes your child can be dropped off in front of Ella Baker between 7:45-8:15am and they can be picked up in front of Ella Baker around 5-5:15pm. If you need to pick up earlier, you will have to do so at the Earth School located at east 6th street between ave b and c.
 We're also holding an Open House for all Ella Baker families in a couple weeks to say hello and tell you about all Empire has to offer your child and to answer any questions you have about the program!