Thursday, May 31, 2012

Oh boy it's nice out!

 It's so lovely out! Some group may try to squeeze some extra time outside, so be sure to check our schedule on the message board by the security desk.
 Newsletter for June go out tomorrow and next week.
Make sure to check this last newsletter out because it will have all the dates for the half days, our upcoming after school end of year pinic, and anything else.

 Thank all of you for coming to the showcase! I video taped the whole thing, BUT my camera ran out of juice right before the prek performance!! I'll be putting up the videos this weekend.
 Also, if you'd like an everlasting copy of the showcase & slideshow (which is awesome) I was hoping finish that up by next week! Let me know if you'd like a copy sooner than later!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Hey guys! It's finally here! The big day! We're so excited! There's going to be some Robot Artwork up for auction this afternoon to raise money for our after school too. Brianna Colon will be auctioning it off in hopes of raising some much needed money!
 Don't forget that after the showcase we're inviting you to come to the basement to see the slideshow I slaved over and see our Gallery of art! There will also be nibbles!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Our kids need to get outside! If it rains, we'll post the change of place on the schedule!!
 Don't forget!!! Tomorrow!!! Showcase! 4:15pm!!!room 100!

Monday, May 21, 2012


OH nerds!!! It's raining! There's a rainy day schedule posted! check it out!

Friday, May 18, 2012


What a beautiful day!!
 HEY! NEXT FRIDAY,MAY25 @4:15PM ROOM 100!!!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Sadness! Lua, our Capoeria teacher has a slipped disk! I know for a fact that it's very painful. We have a replacment Capoeria teacher coming next Thursday. Today, kids will probably still go to the 5th fl dance room for a circus themed class.
 The weather is great, so be sure to check the message board for changes, groups may want extra time outside.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rainy Day

 It doesn't look too good outside, so we have a rainy day schedule. It's posted on the message board by the security desk and on the basement door.
 It's a blessing in disguise though! This means everyone will have extra time to practice for the showcase next week! May 25, Friday rm100 at 4:15pm!

Monday, May 14, 2012


 Heyhey! Another great day!
The showcase is coming up!!!! The showcase is May 25th (next Friday) 4:15-5:30 in rm100.
 You must go! The kids are going to be performing and afterwards, in the basement, their art will be displayed! YES I'm working on an excellent slideshow and YES we will video tape it and make dvds! I really hope you can make it!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Half Day!!!!!

Hey hey!! Half day! @nd grade and up will be in central park runnin games and Prek will go to the Billy JOhnson Playground in Central Park 12-2pm. They should be back in Ella Baker at 2:15-2:30. Kindergarten and 1st will be playing games in the basement until 1:30, then they go outside to enjoy the nice day, but they will only go to the playground on 1stave and the alleyway.
At 3pm, everyone eats snack in the basement, then the afternoon is underway. It's not a regular Friday afternoon schedule so be sure to check the half day schedules posted around the building.
 Have a great weekend and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Oh What a lovely day!! Lua our Capoeria teacher is out today, BUT the kids will still be in the 5fl dance room having a Bridget class!Hooray!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Rain or not to rain?

 The weather website says it might rain around 3pm today, so we'll keep you posted as to where are kids may be if that happens!
 One: OUR SHOWCASE!!!!!!!! It's May 25th at 4:15pm in rm100!
Two: Mother's Day Gift Wrapping! If your child brings in $5 they will pick out a gift and wrap it so ensure you get an awesome gift for mother's day from your little bundle of light!
Three: Half Day this Friday!!!! You must sign up and pay before 12pm May 10(that's this Thursday!)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


My favorite day of the year! We're so close to summer camp! It's the first of the month, so be sure to see Valerie to make sure you're all paid up for after school....and the next half day in May 11, so be sure to sign up and pay for that!
 The newsletter goes out today! The date for the showcase is on it!
 We really want to make smoothies this Thursday and Friday, would you be so kind as to donate some fruit? If someone could bring plastic cups, orange juice, berries ( frozen or fresh) we'd be sooooo grateful!