Thursday, May 12, 2011


Sorry about not posting yesterday! So many things were happening I just didn't have time to update! Kinya will be sending a letter to those parents who paid for swim, we have several options to soothe your souls!
 No Capoeira today, our teacher,Lua, is sick! Too bad! She'll be back next week stronger and faster, so no worries. You know what that means, NO 5TH FLOOR DANCE ROOM! So, if you're picking up your child between 3:30 and 6, DON'T GO ALL THE WAY UPSTAIRS!
But this is a blessing in disguise! Our showcase is coming up and all our of kids would like to practice today. 4th and up will be in room 100 around 3:30-4:15ish and then the kindergartners will be in that space until 5. Be sure to check the schedules posted around the building for the schedule changes!