Hey Hey Parents!!
Today is Thursday and I'm glad it's finally sunny out. All groups will spend a little time outside today, and by little I mean like 15 minutes because it's still super wet and not all of our kids have the right shoes for playing in the snow! The prek/k and 1st grade will probably go for a walk around the building singing songs or playing a game, but they will exit and enter through the main door, as always, so if you're looking for them while they're outside, make sure to stay by the main door. The same applies to 2nd grade and up.
Today the groups have Capoeira in the 5th floor dance room. Since our Capoeira teacher can only teach 2 maybe 3 groups every Thursday, we're also offering comic book creation/ drawing as well.
Today 1st,2nd and 3rd grade, and 4th and up will participate in Capoeria and prek/k will have comic book class with Tim.
Be sure to check in on this blog often because I will continue to add how each group is doing at the end of every week and changes to the schedule!