Another beautiful day! it's a bit chilly, but still sunny! All of our groups, except prek, will spend a little time outside today, not too long though because it's supposed to be very windy! The schedule has changed slightly so more groups can have fun in yoga!
note that the 2nd&3rd graders usually have group time in rm 318 at the end of the day, but since we're having a staff meeting today i wanted everyone downstairs so we can start together. there will be post its around the building.
3-3:30 3:30-4 4-4:45 4:45-5:15 5:15-6
prek snack yoga in dance rm rm 239a rm 239a basement
k playground rm 239b rm 239b basement
1stgrade snack playground rm227 yoga basement
in dance rm
2nd&3rd snack& homework rm324 yoga yard basement
4-4:30 4:30-5:15 5:15-6
4th&up snack& homework rm 325 yard grouptime rm 325 yoga in dance rm
Please note if groups are going outside, I do not control or choose to control where team leaders take their groups. It is up to the children and team leaders to choose which part of the playground/yard/walking route they would like to enjoy. If you choose to pick up your child during their outside time, it is my suggestion that you wait by the front entrance ( since everyone uses that to enter or exit the building) or contact Valerie or myself directly. This way no one runs around willy nilly.
With that said, since it is slowly getter warmer, we hope to spend as much time as possible outside. There will still be days where it's just too dern cold and we'll have to stay indoors, but always check in on the blog or the schedule posted around Ella Baker.
Still thinking about summer camp? Did you know we have our own lifeguard? If your child is new to swimming we make sure it's an easy experience, we have all summer to learn to swim so we don't mind taking our time with the beginners. Did know that I was the Site Director for our first summer camp and it was awesome? Did you know I will be the Site Director at this camp?? I know, pretty cool, but there's more! I'm always around and I am totally free to answer questions you have about our camp at The Ella Baker School! I hope you consider it, because our camp is going to rock!