Another great day full of swim and comic book class!It's a little damp outside, but I'll let the groups decide whether they go outside or not today. So, normal schedule, but be sure to check the boards for any changes.
The half day is this friday, so you better sign up and pay asap! If you don't pay the $10 ( pretty cheap) or sign up before Friday, your child can not attend the Empire Half Day program. I know this sounds rough, but I can only pull so many employees from other Empire sites.
Also, the Spring Break is coming up. Please note we have awesome activities scheduled April 18th to April 22!! We DO NOT hold programming on April 25 and 26. I know Matt Chipman will be picking up kids in front of Ella Baker during that week, so be sure to give him a high five! I'll be in West Virginia visiting my family so I won't be around, but feel free to email me with any questions regarding the Holiday Program!
SAVE THE DATE May 26th, Thursday, 2011
On May 26th, Empire will be having a SPRING SHOWCASE! Our kids will be performing songs, plays, dances, and more! So be sure to come and watch the action and support our kids!
The show will start around 4:30ish and after the performances you can come to the basement to see the art gallery! We have been saving art since last semester to put up for everyone to see. So, please make some time in your busy schedules to come and enjoy yourself!