Friday, April 29, 2011

Sunshine on my shoulders make me happy!

Heyhey! I hope everyone got a new schedule yesterday! If you didn't get one from your child, be sure to ask our friendly counselors for one! We're trying to get as many parents as possible to look at the blog everyday to keep up with our groovy program, stay updated on summer camp info, and be a part of the Empire family. With this new schedule, I know the rest of this semester will be awesome!

 Speaking of awesome, our first graders had Tim's comic book hero class yesterday and they were fantastic! Everyone was participating,listening, and having a great time. I'm so proud of their good behavior, I'm positive they'll win the pizza party for next week!

 I'm so excited about summer camp and I hope you are too. I've been working hard on schedules,activites, and trips, this summer is going to be tripndicular!(that means really cool)
 We're going swimming 3 times a week, playing in central's gunna be great....
it's beautiful outside so you'll see us all outside, Have a Groovy Day!