Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Hey hey, I heard it might rain, so let's hope for the best....if it does rain, be sure to check the schedule for any changes!
 Don't forget there are two half days left this month, one on Friday and one on Tuesday, the last day of school. Make sure that you sign up with Valerie and pay the $10 fee before these days. If you don't, we can't let your child's not our intention to be harsh, but since a lot of my staff are para professionals at the school, they are not available during half days.So please please please make sure to check in with Valerie!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Overcast, but optimistic!

 It may be cloudy, but hopefully we can go through our after school day without any rain....
 Speaking of rain, if it does do so, then there will be changes to the schedule.....
 Speaking of schedules.....
 HOW EXCITING! I'm putting up a new schedule today because it's the end of the school year and we want to make sure we have as much fun as possible.

 Why are we changing the schedule AGAIN? Well, it seems that most of our kids don't have homework, teachers need their classrooms, and there's only one instructor coming in this, with that being said....I felt it prudent to adjust the schedule accordingly.
 If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email anytime!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Cloudy skies.....

Oh boy....I think it might rain.....
 It hasn't started raining yet, but be sure to check the schedules posted around the building for any changes. Sadly, today is Johnny's last art class this school year! He will be setting off rockets and the kids will have a real....BLAST!...hahaha, I couldn't help myself! Johnny will be working at the Downtown Empire camp this summer, but I have a feeling we'll see him too. Next year Johnny will come back with even more great ideas!
 I'm hoping to video tape some of the action today so be sure to check the blog this weekend to see the clip!
 It may rain today, so if you're confused as to where the kids might be located, give me a call and let me know!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sun, don't stop shining!

I love a little rain, but I'm glad the nice weather is back! Today is Wednesday, so be sure to check the Wednesday schedule posted up in the building. There will be comic book class AND chess!
 Some groups may try to get some extra time outside today, so be sure to check postings for any schedule changes.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Another great day!

I'm loving this weather! There are some pretty big schedule changes today due to assessments in some of the classrooms, so please check our schedules posted around the building to find your child's group!
Don't forget there are two more half days this month! If you haven't signed up and paid, your child can not participate! On the 24th, we're planning (not confirmed) to go to either central park or John Jay playground until 3pm. We'll keep you updated!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's getting hot today!

Oh boy! I hope everyone is wearing sunblock, it's pretty hot! Sorry about not posting, there's been a lot going on getting ready for summer camp.
 Today's schedule is a little different. Tim won't be in today, but Chipman will be teaching chess instead since he didn't get to on Monday. Be sure to check the slight schedule changes on the Wednesday schedule posted on the various walls and doors in Ella Baker.
 Tomorrow is a holiday and boy are we excited! We will be running program in Ella Baker that day! Hoooooray! We'll be going to the Central Park Zoo, eating lunch, and last but no least, hanging out in the sprinklers! So bring a lunch, a swim suit, and plenty of sunblock!
 Hope this is helpful!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Today's schedule....!

So! As you know today's is The Ella Baker School's commemoration! I Believe it starts at 6, or 6:15, so make sure to be there? Is Empire bringing your child to the commemoration?NO!We can't! It's all too confusing, so please please please pick up your child at 6 or before to take them to the commemoration! If your child is in the opening ceremony, Valerie or another staff member will be collecting them accordingly.
 To avoid any confusion to where you child might be at the end of the day, I decided to tweak the schedule a tad!
 At 5:30, all groups will be in the basement. One group may be in the art room, but at 5:30, everyone will be in one spot for easy pick up.
 I hope this helps, and if you're ever in a hurry, feel free to call Valerie or myself before you get to the school so we can help locate yours=child so you can pick up and be on your way!
 Thanks for helping us make a better After School!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Another beautiful day!

I hope you enjoyed the showcase! It was so much fun and we are so thankful you were able to join us.
 When you get the chance, please read Valerie's email concerning the upcoming half days. Please let Valerie know if your child will be attending the half days this month (there are 4 of them!) and if you'd like to sign your child up for the holiday programming June 9th.
 Please note that June payments are due and should be handed to Valerie when possible.
We're going to attempt to pass out art work our kids have completed in after school in hopes they will take it home! Don't be surprised if your little one comes home with a bag full of artwork!
 I hope everyone has a great day!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The rest of the showcase!

This is the rest of the showcase! Enjoy!

flamingos don't eat rye!

 Here's part one of the showcase! This is the play the 4th and up group performed in! The other parts of the showcase are coming very soon!
 Today is Wednesday, still no pool! so sad! BUT!There will be chess and comic book class instead, we always have fun no matter what!