Wednesday, June 27, 2012


WWWWWOOOOOOO!Last day! haalf day! Feel free to tip our staff with hugs and love and something ice cold!

Friday, June 22, 2012


Thunder storms are my favorite. I always love to cuddle up with a dog and tell scary story...well, I don't have a dog(yet) but if the rain ruins our outdoor time, we'll be sure to put up signs about our schedule change!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Remember that time I said we were going to Central Park?

Yeah, about the seems to be SCORCHING HOT today....I really want to take everyone to the park, but I don't want anyone to pass out from the heat!!!! SSSSOOOOO, we are having fun here instead.
 The prek kids will play water games in the alley(2:45-3:45ish), then they'll have an indoor picnic in rm114. The Kindergarten and 1st gd will play water games in the alley after the prek, and they'll have an indoor picnic in the ella baker cafeteria around 4:30ish.
 2nd&up will play games indoors and have an indoor picnic in the ella baker cafeteria 3-4:30ish, then they'll head out to the alley for water games.
 I'm very mad at the sun right now for ruining my big plans, but, I will be the bigger woman and keep moving.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Almost there....

I cna't believe it's summer already! Only a few more days of schools left!
 Sadly, our last day of swim was SUPPOSED to be today, but fate will always have her way! Looks like Friday of this week is a much better day to swim! We will email/call you to let you know "fo sho".
 Tomorrow is our picnic in central park! Hooray!! Come and meet us if you'd like! We'll be at 67th street central park east around the Billy Johnson playground. Bring some water and sunblock, it's supposed to be a super hot day. We'll be playing some team sports, group games, and best of all, Team Leader vs. Kids!!! See you there!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Half Day!

Almost there! Today, Prek,k,and1stgrade will go to Central Park for fun!! They'll be back around 1:45. The older kids are heading to the Illustrators Soceity on 63rd and lexington ave. They'll be back around 1:45, I know they might want to head to Central Park, so if they have time they'll head over to Central Park and will be back at Ella Baker around 2:45pm.
 Wednesday June 27th is the last Haf Day and last day of school! Be sure to let us know (&pay) if you're coming!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ballet Recital, Half Day, and Picnic!

Heyhey! The Ballet recital is today at 4pm in rm100! Hooray! It will be glorious!
 Tomorrow's a half day!! The next half day is the last day of school June 27th ( a Wednesday). Tomorrow for the half day, 2nd grade and up will go to the Illustrators Society and prek,k,and 1st grade will go to Central Park.

 PICNIC! Next Thursday,June 21,2012, is our Empire End of School Picnic!!! At 3pm sharp, our after school kids will be going to Central Park for group games, food, and fun! We plan to have Team leader vs. Kids, and you the parents are welcome to join in on the fun. We are very happy to receive any donations (of the food persuasion) to our little get together.
 We plan to be back from Central Park by 5pm. If your child needs to be picked up before 5pm or can not attend the central park trip, please let us know!!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Daddy's day gift wrapping and News

Heyheyhey! Not rainy this afternoon, so I'm banking on our kids still going outdoors this afternoon...
 Prek and K will join forces again today, so if your child's in kinderagrten they're chillin with the preks. I personally think it's a good idea to have the kindergarten setting a good example for the prek.
 The last make up swim day is tomorrow June 14th(Thursday) for all swim kids NOT in ballet class. If your child is in the ballet class, their last make up swim day is Friday June 15th. Yes, this Friday is a half day, but swim will still happen for those ballet kids at 3:30pm.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Lango, ballet, and YOGA

Yes, another Bridget yoga/pilates class is here!I know,I know, it's awesome. You should come and try it!
 Lango will be in the Ella Baker cafeteria at 5pm-6pm. There will be an awesome demo for your kids to enjoy and for you to learn about. Please come up and try it, you'll like it, you'll like it!!
 Ballet is having their extra ballet class today in rm318 to better prepare for the recital June 14th(this Thursday) at 4pm in rm100.
 I know it's dreary out, but unless you see a post it up on the message board by the security desk, we'll be on our normal schedule!
 Prek&K are joining forces today, so they will be following the prek schedule all day!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Ballet Anouncement!

Don't forget that this Thursday is our Ballet Recital! Hooray! 4pm rm 100.
So, tomorrow, our Alvin Aily dance teacher wants to have an extra practice tomorrow during regular after school, be sure to come!
 Also, LANGO IS COMING! Hooray! Please Please come to the demo class tomorrow at 5-6pm in the cafeteria, it's going to be splendid! I really hope you and your kids can come to the class to see what it's all about.

Half Day today and Father's Day Gift wrapping and OUR PICNIC!

Another Half day! AND there's a half day this Friday, so please please make sure you sign up AND pay before Thursday at 12pm.
 I can't believe I forgot to put our Father's Day Gift wrapping in our newsletter!!!! Just like the holidays and Mother's Day, we're bringing in all kinds of cool presents for dads that your child can pick out and wrap for only $5!!!
 I got some cool stuff! It starts tomorrow. Since today is a half day, I didn't want to put too many things on my plate, but our Team Leaders will be reminding you during the week about our awesome gift wrapping!
  Last but not least, Thursday,June 21, we're having an after school picnic in Central Park. at 3pm, kids will be picked up and taken to Central Park to play some group games (my favorite) and eat tasty food! Donations are totally welcome, and you can come too for the fun!! We will try to be back at the school at 5pm. If your child has other plans or can not attend, please let us know ahead of time! There is a chance we may move this picnic to June 22,the Friday, but we'll let you know!

Friday, June 8, 2012

a couple of changes...

 New schedule will be posted up today just for the's soooo beautiful out we wanted to move things around just for the day, so be sure to check the schedule by the security desk!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Schedule Changes for today

Heyhey, sorry for the late notice, but Kindergarten will be hanging with Prek today and the 1st graders will be in the library across the street (67th street Public Library). The first graders will be there 4:45-5:20ish.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Half Day today!

 The first of four half days!!!! Make sure to grab a copy of the newsletter from one of our friendly Team Leaders!
 The half day schedule is a little different than usual, so please make sure you check the one posted on the message board by the security desk before coming to pick up your child!
 If you haven't already signed up and paid for the upcoming half days, you should! It's cost effective AND you wouldn't have to worry about getting the money in at the last minute!

 Also, next Tuesday @5-6pm, Lango is coming to do a demonstration for your kids! Bring them along to get a feel for what Lango has to offer your child. In the Fall, we're hoping to have a Spanish and Mandarin Class, and Lango is going to help us get there. But before saying yes or no to that idea, please go and hear what they have to say!

Monday, June 4, 2012

What happened to that nice weather?

Goodness, talk about having a case of the "Mondays". It's gray out....well, we won't let it get us down! As far as we can tell, we're still going on our regular schedule, but be sure to check the board for changes!
 The copy machine at Ella Baker is broken, but we will still try to get the newsletter our today! It has a lot of info on it so please please give it a look-see!