Thursday, June 21, 2012

Remember that time I said we were going to Central Park?

Yeah, about the seems to be SCORCHING HOT today....I really want to take everyone to the park, but I don't want anyone to pass out from the heat!!!! SSSSOOOOO, we are having fun here instead.
 The prek kids will play water games in the alley(2:45-3:45ish), then they'll have an indoor picnic in rm114. The Kindergarten and 1st gd will play water games in the alley after the prek, and they'll have an indoor picnic in the ella baker cafeteria around 4:30ish.
 2nd&up will play games indoors and have an indoor picnic in the ella baker cafeteria 3-4:30ish, then they'll head out to the alley for water games.
 I'm very mad at the sun right now for ruining my big plans, but, I will be the bigger woman and keep moving.