Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Half Day today!

 The first of four half days!!!! Make sure to grab a copy of the newsletter from one of our friendly Team Leaders!
 The half day schedule is a little different than usual, so please make sure you check the one posted on the message board by the security desk before coming to pick up your child!
 If you haven't already signed up and paid for the upcoming half days, you should! It's cost effective AND you wouldn't have to worry about getting the money in at the last minute!

 Also, next Tuesday @5-6pm, Lango is coming to do a demonstration for your kids! Bring them along to get a feel for what Lango has to offer your child. In the Fall, we're hoping to have a Spanish and Mandarin Class, and Lango is going to help us get there. But before saying yes or no to that idea, please go and hear what they have to say!