Monday, November 26, 2012

19 more days!

That's right! 19 more days until the holiday break!!! I can already see sugar plums dancing in the children's eyes!
 December 7, next Friday, is the next half day. Make sure to let us know you're coming and it's never too early to give the $20 for the half day to Valerie!December 6th is picture day, and even though it had nothing to do with Empire, just the Ella Baker School, we still wanted to remind you.
 A lot of great things are happening at Empire in the next month, so be sure to check out the December newsletter coming out this Friday and next Monday to stay on top of any upcoming events, or check in here anytime!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


 Yea, I'm talkin' bout the feast. There is an alternate schedule posted for today so everyone has a chance to eat food and be merry! Be sure to look for it on the message board next to the security desk. Or, just call!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Almost there...

Don't forget about the feast tomorrow!!!! Please feel to bring some juice or something, we'd really appreiciate it!
 No school or after school Thursday the 22nd or Friday the 23rd, we will not be running program on those days, sorry!
 The next half day is December 7, it's not for a couple weeks, but just in case you have your calendar handy!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ballet, Cold Weather, Thanksgiving Feast, and Schedule Changes

 The parent teacher conferences on still going, so please please call if you're confused about where the kids are, and don't forget to check the message board by the security desk for any room changes, and there will be!!!
 It's cold, so we are trying our hardest to keep track of all your child's belongings. We would love it if gloves,scarves, and hats are marked on the tags with your child's name, we would be more than happy to do it ourselves, but only with your permisson!
 Thanksgiving feast!!!! I love food, I love making food, and I love sharing food with the people I care about, you guys!
 Tuesday November 20, we are having an Empire feast! The schedule will be a little different so we can all enjoy food together. We would love it if you donated some food and/or drink to our party! I'll be making chili (turkey), and I should mention that this chili is awesome,and Jackie was talking about picking up some roasted much fun!
 Let us know what you'd like to bring!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Bad news guys! The weather is not looking good at all for this afternoon/evening, we are going to have to cancel swim.
 I know, we will work on trying to get make up days set up, but for the moment, we have to cancel swim because it will get really bad outside, really soon.
 I am very sorry, but please feel free to call or email your questions/concerns and we are more than happy to work with you!
 Your child's sagety is our biggest concern, and it just wouldn't be safe to go swimming today downtown.
 So sorry!

Back to Swim!

Hey guys! Swim is back on track!
 It's also pretty cold out, we heard there might be snow tonight! Yikes...after all we've been through, I don't know if I'm ready for snow on top of all of this. But, whatever comes our way, I'm sure we can pull though!
 We're extending the deadline for payments of this month (November) until the 15th so everyone has a little extra time.
 I hope you are all staying strong and aren't we glad to be back school? I know I am!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Rumor has it.....

Sooooooo, did you catch Bloomberg's conference? school tomorrow or Friday. I mean, I'm a big fan of snow days and all, but this is pushing it!!!
 Again, I hope you are all safe and if you don't have power, you are more than welcome to come to my place to chill. I'll see you all Monday!!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


That was crazy!! I hope all of you guys are ok and were prepared as much as one can be in a hurricane! I've dealt with a lot of storms growing up in WV ( the hamlet I was raised in was right by the Potomac and the Mountains) but now that I live in the city the damage is unimaginable.
 As you know, the subways,buses,Amtrak, and schools are closed tomorrow too..... yikes!! The clean up may take a while, but if we all help out and stick together(like New Yorkers always do) then we can pull through this!!!!
 Feel free to call or email with any questions, I know that I'm going to stay home until it's a little safer outside with my blanket and keep the weather channel website on for the rest of the day. Hopefully we'll be able to go back to school tomorrow....but who knows!
 I know my family back home got hit pretty hard and I wish more than anything to not be stuck here in Queens, but to be in WV with the people I love to make sure they're safe. I hope all of you are doing the same. Stay safe and we'll see you soon!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Rain or not to rain?

 It's a little sprinkly today, but not too bad. We'll stick to the schedule, but be sure to check the message board by the security desk for any rainy day changes in case our guys can't play outside.

Monday, October 22, 2012


THE RUMORS ARE TRUE! Sorry, I get excited about change.......yes, new schedule, today, right now, please check it out!You can find the schedule posted on the message board by the security desk, the door leading to the basement, the second fl message board, and the 3rd fl!
 Group Leaders will be passing it out today along with a little newsletter!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Lua is sick!

Our Capoeira teach is sick today! Please send "feel good" vibes so she's better for next week! Ballet is on and will finish up around 4:30pm, please pick up your child at rm114.
 Don't forget next week is the start of the new schedule!! Group leaders will pass out schedules tomorrow along with a newsletter for each group!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Probably rain.....

Heyhey, wow, yesterday was beautiful! Did anyone go apple picking? Decide on your Halloween costume yet?
 It looks like we won't be so lucky today, it's pretty icky out and said t-storms this afternoon. But no worries! A rainy day schedule will be posted on the message board by the security desk, the basement door, the second floor message board and 3rd floor staircase.
 If it indeed rains, please please check the schedules posted, or call!
Bridget (540)336-0684

Friday, October 12, 2012

Thank Gophers It's Friday!

I love Fridays when the sun is out!Be sure to check the schedule for any extra changes, but everything should be groovy!
 I do know that the Kindergarten will have snack in the basement.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


 The sun is out, great! That means more fun and hopefully if everyone gets their homework done, more outside time! Please be sure to check the message board by the security desk and the door leading to the basement in case the kids want to enjoy the nice weather a little longer.
 Today is another ballet class with Alvin Ailey. Last week was really fun and I can't wait for this one. The class begins at 3:30pm ( we pick up at 3 and change for ballet) and ends at 4:30. If you'd like to come watch the class please let Valerie or I know first. It's hard for our teacher to run a successful class when our dancers can't focus! We want you to come and see what we're up to, but please let us know first.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sprinkles, but not rain and science class

A little sprinkle is just what this humid weather needs. We'll still be outside, but no groups will go to the playground, they'll stick to the alley space.
 The other change is that Prek will have Yoga first today in rm318 and 1st grade will have yoga at 3:30.
 Hey! Eric our art teacher needs clear plastic bottles for tomorrow's science class!! Please send your child with a clear plastic bottle tomorrow!!
 This Thursday is a PTA meeting and Empire is happy to help out by providing some peeps we know who are awesome at babysitting to chill with your kids while the meeting is going on!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Another beautiful day!

No! I'm serious! I love the rain! If it gets bad out, and it probably will, there will be a rainy day schedule posted around the building, or just call ahead if you need to figure out where everyone is!
call me or Valerie!
Bridget (540)336-0684
Valerie (347)563-5264

Monday, October 1, 2012

New classes starting this week!!

Today, Fencing! Wednesday, Swimming! At 3pm, I,Bridget, pick up all the swimming students, we get dressed on the second floor, and then off to the pool! We get back from the pool around 5:45-6pm (depending on traffic). Please pick up swim students in the basement, or right by the front door! Make sure to sign out with the consoler who is travelling with them,Suhiala.
 Thursday is the first day of Ballet! If you haven't already signed up, you should, it's gunna be great.
 Thursday is also a FREE TRIAL day for TADA! Yes, we need more kids to join in on the fun, at 3:30pm-5pm there will be a trial (FREE) class for the TADA! to get you hooked! If you've already paid for TADA! you're child will come to the trial class,too.
 And to top off this fun filled week, it's our first half day this FRIDAY!Oct.5,2012. It's only $20 11:30am-3pm. If you've already paid for the month ($240) then 3-6pm is covered, you just need to tell Valerie and pay before Friday morning.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Oh Fridays!

 It's a bit rainy out, so there is a back up rainy day schedule if it looks too icky to go outside......but if the rain stays away for 3 hours, the Friday schedule will stay the same.
 Be sure to check out the schedule on the first floor by the security desk.
I hope you have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Yoga today! Don't forget it's the last day of the book fair and there's no holidays programming tomorrow, September 26th.
 Everyone should be on the same page today, but always check the message board on the first floor by the security desk for any last minute changes (i.e. everyone finishes homework early so they decide to go out 15-20 min)
 Fencing was awesome yesterday! I can't wait until the next class!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Fencing, BALLET,and Wednesday

Fencing starts today! Hooray! If your child is taking our fencing class, a separate schedule shall be posted up to help you find your child. Fencing class takes place 3:30-4:30. At 3pm, we pick your child up with their age group and eat snack, HOORAY! Then,at 3:30pm we travel to the basement for class. If you'd like tp pick up your child as soon as class is over (which is recommended by us) feel free to come down to the basement at 4:30pm.
 YES BALLET APPLICATIONS ARE IN!!!!!!! Alvin Ailey is joining us for another year of dance! Applications are available now! The dance class starts October 4 and goes until December 13th. It's a great class so please sign up today!
 A reminder!!!!
We don't run holiday programming this Wednesday September 26th. Sorry! But we do run program on Columbus day,October 8.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Reminders, updates,etc...

 Today!! Prek will be playing in the alley not the playground, 2nd and 3rd might be a little late in arriving to the library because they are finishing their pirate ships, and everyone should be having a lot of fun! It's so lovely out, so please be sure to check for any changes (groups may want to stay outside longer) on the 2nd floor,the basement door, or the 1st floor message board which is located right behind the bookfair.

 Monday, Sept.24, is the first day of Fencing class! I'm very excited that you guys signed up because it's a great class. Just make your child is wearing comfortable clothes. We supply the gear and we pick them up and take them to the class. The class goes from 3:30-4:30, on the first day of classes they will be going over safety procedures,commands,and how to put the gear on. I know that's a little boring, but safety first!!!!
 Wednesday, Sept.26, is Yom Koppur. We DO NOT run program on this holiday. I do apologize for any inconveince, but we don't start running holiday schedules until Columbus Day October 8.
The first half day is coming up!!!October 5!
 Last but not least, have you heard of TADA!!!!?
No? Well, it's this really groovy theater program that turns out real theater productions! I'm not joking, they do the real thing. Scenery,costumes,real actors come in and teach and coach the students. They sing,dance,and put on great shows!!! It's $255 to sign your child up, and it's worth every single penny. We're pleased as peach to have them as apart of our family here at Ella Baker and we hope you can take the time to think about signing your child up today, you won't regret it!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

And Fall is on it's way......

Yes! I can't wait to start wearing my sweaters! I always wanted one of those reallybig colorful ones like Bill Cosby used to wear..... I would look pretty fly.
 Anywho, a great day is ahead of us! The 2nd and 3rd graders get to hang with me today and our prek/k kids will be playing in  the alley and not in the playground. Be sure to check the schedule downstairs for any last minute details. School snack arrives tomorrow so tday we're going to be enjoying milk and Frosted Mini-Wheats ( if your child can not have wheat, we have popcorn also), yes,the name brand kind. As a kid, my parents were very anti-candy or sugary foods, so we always had super bran cereals or granola....I'm pretty sure I was the only kid in 1989 going to school with homemade fruit leathers......I digress!
 Another beautiful day in the greatest city in the world is upon so I won't waste any more time typing and get back to playing with the kids!
 Be sure to let Valerie know if you have any monetary concerns or are making payments.
Valerie Kirk

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Just a reminder!

It's lovely outside! This fall weather makes me so happy. The sun is out and it's not chilly like yesterday, but you know fall is here. I love seeing the leaves change color and I can't wait to start wearing sweaters! Fall in West Virginia is my favorite, but even my country heart is loving autumn in New York....
 I digress!
Please no peanut products!!! I'm a fan of the Carver creation, but we can't have them! Also, we don't offer childcare September 17 & 18th (that's next Monday and Tuesday) So sorry! We also don't offer childcare September 26th (a Wednesday).....but we will be running full day programming October 8,Columbus Day. Applications for that holiday will come in a week or two, so be sure to check back any extra info, or just ask!
 Pick up is at 6pm sharp, we charge $1 a minute after 6:02pm per child. It's rough I know it, but the security guards need us to be out of the building! They're tough, but we love them for keeping us safe.
 I'm going to be taking some pictures today, hopefully they'll be up on this blog later tonight or tomorrow......
Have fun and see you soon!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Much Better!

Yes, I do believe this template is much better.....
Today is yoga! Our yoga teacher Salvador starts September 25, so that means that yoga class will be taught by me! If your child went to our summer camp, they will tell you that my yoga/pilates classes are fun and active! I secretly love teaching and if I could I would be teaching every single class we offer, but I am only one woman and must share the love of teaching with everyone.....but today can be my day to shine!
 I always have fun teaching yoga/pilates(I add pilates to the mix to keep it upbeat). The yoga class is on the 3rd floor,rm318. Please check the schedule posted on the message board by the security desk to see where your child's group is.

  If your child is in prek or k, please be patient with us while we get place to place. Our little muchkins are new to the program and need time to travel. Thank you for your understanding and please feel free to email or call anytime!
Bridget Ellsworth
 or Valerie Kirk

Monday, September 10, 2012

First Day!

Heyhey! I'm so excited that this is our first day of after school! We have art with Eric and he's pumped to start the year off right with fun projects. New to after school? Not sure where or when to pick up? Call! I'm Bridget the Site Director of Empire at the Ella Baker School and I'm very hel[ful and always around! (540)336-0684 or contact Valerie!
 If you're picking up between 5:30 and 6pm we're usually in the basement chillin'. Where's the basement? There shall be signs!
 Never hesitate to call if you're not sure what the plan is. I hope this first day is great for your child and we'll see you soon!

Friday, September 7, 2012

After School in Just a Few More Days!!

Sept.10 is the first day of after school and I can't wait! Yes there will be fun, yes there will be excitement, and yes we go until 6pm.
 Feel free to call or email anytime with questions!

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Oh boy! Welcome back everyone! I hope you had a great summer, I know I did!
 Let's start off the year right by telling you that today was a great first day, lots of new classes, lots of new kids, and lots of fun lie ahead for the new school year. More than ever Empire is moving forward with the times and introducing classes you'll love like fencing,theater,swim,and dance!
 If I met you today, hi! Thanks for visiting the blog! This blog is great for me to share info,pics,schedule changes, and anything that might spark your interest.
 If you didn't catch my name, it's Bridget Ellsworth, Site Director at The Ella Baker School. I've been working here for a number of years and it only gets better. I can't tell you how great it is to see everyone again and to see new people. Never hesitate to ask me any question ever! Call or email anytime, or leave a comment here on the blog to show your support of the interweb!
Bridget Ellsworth

 Don't forget we have 9 half days this year and Empire does not cover the holidays the month of September, but we cover the upcoming holidays: Columbus Day Oct.8, Veterans Day and Election Day!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


WWWWWOOOOOOO!Last day! haalf day! Feel free to tip our staff with hugs and love and something ice cold!

Friday, June 22, 2012


Thunder storms are my favorite. I always love to cuddle up with a dog and tell scary story...well, I don't have a dog(yet) but if the rain ruins our outdoor time, we'll be sure to put up signs about our schedule change!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Remember that time I said we were going to Central Park?

Yeah, about the seems to be SCORCHING HOT today....I really want to take everyone to the park, but I don't want anyone to pass out from the heat!!!! SSSSOOOOO, we are having fun here instead.
 The prek kids will play water games in the alley(2:45-3:45ish), then they'll have an indoor picnic in rm114. The Kindergarten and 1st gd will play water games in the alley after the prek, and they'll have an indoor picnic in the ella baker cafeteria around 4:30ish.
 2nd&up will play games indoors and have an indoor picnic in the ella baker cafeteria 3-4:30ish, then they'll head out to the alley for water games.
 I'm very mad at the sun right now for ruining my big plans, but, I will be the bigger woman and keep moving.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Almost there....

I cna't believe it's summer already! Only a few more days of schools left!
 Sadly, our last day of swim was SUPPOSED to be today, but fate will always have her way! Looks like Friday of this week is a much better day to swim! We will email/call you to let you know "fo sho".
 Tomorrow is our picnic in central park! Hooray!! Come and meet us if you'd like! We'll be at 67th street central park east around the Billy Johnson playground. Bring some water and sunblock, it's supposed to be a super hot day. We'll be playing some team sports, group games, and best of all, Team Leader vs. Kids!!! See you there!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Half Day!

Almost there! Today, Prek,k,and1stgrade will go to Central Park for fun!! They'll be back around 1:45. The older kids are heading to the Illustrators Soceity on 63rd and lexington ave. They'll be back around 1:45, I know they might want to head to Central Park, so if they have time they'll head over to Central Park and will be back at Ella Baker around 2:45pm.
 Wednesday June 27th is the last Haf Day and last day of school! Be sure to let us know (&pay) if you're coming!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ballet Recital, Half Day, and Picnic!

Heyhey! The Ballet recital is today at 4pm in rm100! Hooray! It will be glorious!
 Tomorrow's a half day!! The next half day is the last day of school June 27th ( a Wednesday). Tomorrow for the half day, 2nd grade and up will go to the Illustrators Society and prek,k,and 1st grade will go to Central Park.

 PICNIC! Next Thursday,June 21,2012, is our Empire End of School Picnic!!! At 3pm sharp, our after school kids will be going to Central Park for group games, food, and fun! We plan to have Team leader vs. Kids, and you the parents are welcome to join in on the fun. We are very happy to receive any donations (of the food persuasion) to our little get together.
 We plan to be back from Central Park by 5pm. If your child needs to be picked up before 5pm or can not attend the central park trip, please let us know!!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Daddy's day gift wrapping and News

Heyheyhey! Not rainy this afternoon, so I'm banking on our kids still going outdoors this afternoon...
 Prek and K will join forces again today, so if your child's in kinderagrten they're chillin with the preks. I personally think it's a good idea to have the kindergarten setting a good example for the prek.
 The last make up swim day is tomorrow June 14th(Thursday) for all swim kids NOT in ballet class. If your child is in the ballet class, their last make up swim day is Friday June 15th. Yes, this Friday is a half day, but swim will still happen for those ballet kids at 3:30pm.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Lango, ballet, and YOGA

Yes, another Bridget yoga/pilates class is here!I know,I know, it's awesome. You should come and try it!
 Lango will be in the Ella Baker cafeteria at 5pm-6pm. There will be an awesome demo for your kids to enjoy and for you to learn about. Please come up and try it, you'll like it, you'll like it!!
 Ballet is having their extra ballet class today in rm318 to better prepare for the recital June 14th(this Thursday) at 4pm in rm100.
 I know it's dreary out, but unless you see a post it up on the message board by the security desk, we'll be on our normal schedule!
 Prek&K are joining forces today, so they will be following the prek schedule all day!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Ballet Anouncement!

Don't forget that this Thursday is our Ballet Recital! Hooray! 4pm rm 100.
So, tomorrow, our Alvin Aily dance teacher wants to have an extra practice tomorrow during regular after school, be sure to come!
 Also, LANGO IS COMING! Hooray! Please Please come to the demo class tomorrow at 5-6pm in the cafeteria, it's going to be splendid! I really hope you and your kids can come to the class to see what it's all about.

Half Day today and Father's Day Gift wrapping and OUR PICNIC!

Another Half day! AND there's a half day this Friday, so please please make sure you sign up AND pay before Thursday at 12pm.
 I can't believe I forgot to put our Father's Day Gift wrapping in our newsletter!!!! Just like the holidays and Mother's Day, we're bringing in all kinds of cool presents for dads that your child can pick out and wrap for only $5!!!
 I got some cool stuff! It starts tomorrow. Since today is a half day, I didn't want to put too many things on my plate, but our Team Leaders will be reminding you during the week about our awesome gift wrapping!
  Last but not least, Thursday,June 21, we're having an after school picnic in Central Park. at 3pm, kids will be picked up and taken to Central Park to play some group games (my favorite) and eat tasty food! Donations are totally welcome, and you can come too for the fun!! We will try to be back at the school at 5pm. If your child has other plans or can not attend, please let us know ahead of time! There is a chance we may move this picnic to June 22,the Friday, but we'll let you know!

Friday, June 8, 2012

a couple of changes...

 New schedule will be posted up today just for the's soooo beautiful out we wanted to move things around just for the day, so be sure to check the schedule by the security desk!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Schedule Changes for today

Heyhey, sorry for the late notice, but Kindergarten will be hanging with Prek today and the 1st graders will be in the library across the street (67th street Public Library). The first graders will be there 4:45-5:20ish.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Half Day today!

 The first of four half days!!!! Make sure to grab a copy of the newsletter from one of our friendly Team Leaders!
 The half day schedule is a little different than usual, so please make sure you check the one posted on the message board by the security desk before coming to pick up your child!
 If you haven't already signed up and paid for the upcoming half days, you should! It's cost effective AND you wouldn't have to worry about getting the money in at the last minute!

 Also, next Tuesday @5-6pm, Lango is coming to do a demonstration for your kids! Bring them along to get a feel for what Lango has to offer your child. In the Fall, we're hoping to have a Spanish and Mandarin Class, and Lango is going to help us get there. But before saying yes or no to that idea, please go and hear what they have to say!

Monday, June 4, 2012

What happened to that nice weather?

Goodness, talk about having a case of the "Mondays". It's gray out....well, we won't let it get us down! As far as we can tell, we're still going on our regular schedule, but be sure to check the board for changes!
 The copy machine at Ella Baker is broken, but we will still try to get the newsletter our today! It has a lot of info on it so please please give it a look-see!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Oh boy it's nice out!

 It's so lovely out! Some group may try to squeeze some extra time outside, so be sure to check our schedule on the message board by the security desk.
 Newsletter for June go out tomorrow and next week.
Make sure to check this last newsletter out because it will have all the dates for the half days, our upcoming after school end of year pinic, and anything else.

 Thank all of you for coming to the showcase! I video taped the whole thing, BUT my camera ran out of juice right before the prek performance!! I'll be putting up the videos this weekend.
 Also, if you'd like an everlasting copy of the showcase & slideshow (which is awesome) I was hoping finish that up by next week! Let me know if you'd like a copy sooner than later!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Hey guys! It's finally here! The big day! We're so excited! There's going to be some Robot Artwork up for auction this afternoon to raise money for our after school too. Brianna Colon will be auctioning it off in hopes of raising some much needed money!
 Don't forget that after the showcase we're inviting you to come to the basement to see the slideshow I slaved over and see our Gallery of art! There will also be nibbles!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Our kids need to get outside! If it rains, we'll post the change of place on the schedule!!
 Don't forget!!! Tomorrow!!! Showcase! 4:15pm!!!room 100!

Monday, May 21, 2012


OH nerds!!! It's raining! There's a rainy day schedule posted! check it out!

Friday, May 18, 2012


What a beautiful day!!
 HEY! NEXT FRIDAY,MAY25 @4:15PM ROOM 100!!!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Sadness! Lua, our Capoeria teacher has a slipped disk! I know for a fact that it's very painful. We have a replacment Capoeria teacher coming next Thursday. Today, kids will probably still go to the 5th fl dance room for a circus themed class.
 The weather is great, so be sure to check the message board for changes, groups may want extra time outside.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rainy Day

 It doesn't look too good outside, so we have a rainy day schedule. It's posted on the message board by the security desk and on the basement door.
 It's a blessing in disguise though! This means everyone will have extra time to practice for the showcase next week! May 25, Friday rm100 at 4:15pm!

Monday, May 14, 2012


 Heyhey! Another great day!
The showcase is coming up!!!! The showcase is May 25th (next Friday) 4:15-5:30 in rm100.
 You must go! The kids are going to be performing and afterwards, in the basement, their art will be displayed! YES I'm working on an excellent slideshow and YES we will video tape it and make dvds! I really hope you can make it!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Half Day!!!!!

Hey hey!! Half day! @nd grade and up will be in central park runnin games and Prek will go to the Billy JOhnson Playground in Central Park 12-2pm. They should be back in Ella Baker at 2:15-2:30. Kindergarten and 1st will be playing games in the basement until 1:30, then they go outside to enjoy the nice day, but they will only go to the playground on 1stave and the alleyway.
At 3pm, everyone eats snack in the basement, then the afternoon is underway. It's not a regular Friday afternoon schedule so be sure to check the half day schedules posted around the building.
 Have a great weekend and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Oh What a lovely day!! Lua our Capoeria teacher is out today, BUT the kids will still be in the 5fl dance room having a Bridget class!Hooray!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Rain or not to rain?

 The weather website says it might rain around 3pm today, so we'll keep you posted as to where are kids may be if that happens!
 One: OUR SHOWCASE!!!!!!!! It's May 25th at 4:15pm in rm100!
Two: Mother's Day Gift Wrapping! If your child brings in $5 they will pick out a gift and wrap it so ensure you get an awesome gift for mother's day from your little bundle of light!
Three: Half Day this Friday!!!! You must sign up and pay before 12pm May 10(that's this Thursday!)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


My favorite day of the year! We're so close to summer camp! It's the first of the month, so be sure to see Valerie to make sure you're all paid up for after school....and the next half day in May 11, so be sure to sign up and pay for that!
 The newsletter goes out today! The date for the showcase is on it!
 We really want to make smoothies this Thursday and Friday, would you be so kind as to donate some fruit? If someone could bring plastic cups, orange juice, berries ( frozen or fresh) we'd be sooooo grateful!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

April Showers...

It's not raining yet, but we all know it's coming. NO changes to the schedule, but be sure to check it just in case! We really want to do springtime smoothies next week for each would sure be groovy if some parents were nice enough to donate a bag of frozen berries, or a carton of fresh ones, or orange juice. Your donations are welcome!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

                                                                HOORAY FOR COUCHES!

Monday, April 23, 2012


 It's cloudy outside, but we're still gunna play! Be sure to check out the new schedule and feel free to give us a call anytime!
 Did you check out the basement yet? I'm trying my darnedest to keep it looking fun, but if have anything you'd like to donate, we would LOVE to accept it!
 Thanks for all your support!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Empire Pics!

Here's a little slide show of what we've been up to this spring! Nozomi Motai-Febles took all the pictures of the Ballet students. He did a great job! Thanks Nozomi!
 Sorry there's no music yet!I'm working on it!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Another great day!

NO changes as of yet! Be sure to check out the brand new schedule though! Haven't made up your mind about summer camp? Well, we have another open house tomorrow at 5:30pm in the Ella Baker cafeteria on the 5th fl. Or, you can always email me directly!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Welcome back!

Spring is here! It's 85 degrees outside and we're ready for it! There's a newsletter that goes out today AND a new schedule for the rest of the year! The only groups with serious changes are prek and 1st grade, so make sure you pick up a new schedule from the basement or check the ones posted around the building!
 We start Moolah! today. Moolah! is our new reward system! Kids can earn Moolah! by being super groovy for our classes,helping out Team Leaders, or helping their peers. If a group earns enough Moolah!, they can win a pizza party! There's more info on Moolah in the newsletter!

 Make sure to check out the newsletter!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Yoga change and Have you thought about Spring Break yet?

All yoga classes will be held in rm318 today! YES! ALL of them!
 Have you thought about spring break yet? No? check us out! We're going on trips next week, doing soccer, woodworking, and all kinds of cool stuff!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Fun and......Food!

We love our school snack and they love us. They love so much they give us a lot of snack. Yesterday, they gave a lot of yogurt....I mean A LOT. To get rid of some of this yogurt, I thought it would be fun if the kids made some parfaits with them! If not all groups get to make it today, then we'll continue the fun on Monday! I'll take some pictures and post them this weekend!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Sun and Fun!

Oh boy! Another great day! No schedule changes as of yet, there's only a room change for the kindergarten  this afternoon, they will be in rm234 instead of rm227. It's so lovely outside! You will most definitely find our kids enjoying the sunshine!
 Great news! I just finished ordering a bunch of new stuff for the basement! New bean bag chairs and new rugs! How groovy! If only I could afford a couch........
 The spring recess applications are available! monday,Wednesday Friday, the kids will doing some really groovy activites and on Tuesday they're going to Materials for the Arts and on Thursday they're going to the Central park Zoo!
 Applications are in the basement or feel free to call or email with questions!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sweet Sassy Molassy!

It is LOVELY outside! The older kids may adjust their schedules today so they can go outside a little more, so be sure to check the boards for any changes!
 Ballet is going great, and swim is back on. As soon as we know the make up days, we'll pass it on to you!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Room Change and SWIM!

Swim is back on and we'll let you know as soon as possible the make up days! Also, all yoga classes are moved to rm318 for the day! It's on the 3rd floor and there's a sign on the door that says, "Dance& Drama".

Friday, March 16, 2012

Rain or no rain?

Sorry for any confusion about the schedule, there were parent teacher conferences all week and didn't want disturb any of the teachers! Today should be the last day for an alternate schedule, thanks for your patience!
 It might rain today as well.....with that being said, you won't find prek/k out on the playground, but if it's not raining, we'll arrange for them to be in the alley.
 Be sure to check out the schedule for today on the door leading to the basement, the message board behind the bookfair, or the second floor message board.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Half Day!

 Today is going to be quite a handful, but nothing we can't handle. The schedule will be posted around the building, but here's an idea of what will be going on....
 The prek,K, and 1st grade will be in the basement till about 1pm watching a movie and playing games.
 The 2nd,3rd,&up groups will be enjoying the jazz concert in rm100 till 1pm.
At 1pm, the groups will switch, the older kids will go to the basement and the younger kids will head to the concert.
 Please call if you have any suggestions!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Another Day!

 It's beautiful outside! No schedule changes today, but if you're thinking about summer camp, today's the day to sign up!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sun sun, Mr.golden sun

 What a great day! The sun is shining, the kids are laughing, and the pool is still broken! Wait....that didn't sound as good as I was hoping.....
 Seahorse's pool is still broken, BUT they are sending out an email this afternoon to you parents explaining the pool situation AND to let you know that they are going to allow the kids to go swimming 2 or maybe even 3 times a week to make up for this sadness after the pool is fixed! Isn't that the coolest?
 Please know how sad I am about this, I have always been a swimmer, and I know how important it is for kids to learn to swim. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email me anytime with any questions!

 Did you know the early bird summer camp deadline is coming up? IT ENDS THIS FRIDAY! You gotta sign up soon!
 Also, there is a half day coming up tuesday,march 13! You must sign up and pay before Friday 12pm!
 What are going to do? There is going to be an awesome jazz band performing for our kids, isn't that the coolest?

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rain and Swim Sadness!

Oh boy! Wet news and Bad news folks....
 Looks like rain! That means our groups will have to be inside today, be sure to check the schedule for classroom arrangements/changes....if have any confusion or questions, just call me directly!540-336-0684
Also, the Sea Horse Fitness Center's pool has a broken pump! Sadness! BUT THERE IS GOOD NEWS! Since we won't have swim today, we get to swim next Wednesday AND Friday (March 7&9) to make up for the missed lesson. I will also be calling each swim parent personally in about 45 minutes!
 So sorry for the inconvenience and even though the weather is icky, we always know how to make the most out of every situation here at Empire!
 Thanks and see you soon!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Schedule change!

A new improved schedule has been posted! Tuesdays are changed to better accomadate our kids and their yoga class! Be sure to check it out! Want your own copy?Let me know and I can send you an email copy, how groovy!

 Do you have plans next week for your kids? No? Send them to our holiday camp! $50 a day and they get to do all kinds of fun stuff like cooking,soccer,art, museums, and ice skating!

Monday, February 13, 2012

What month is it?

 I know it's almost Valentine's day, but it's so sunny it feels like it might be April....what's going on?
 Did you know we're having winter break programming next week? Monday, Wed, and Friday there will be fun cooking class,soccer,etc...and on Tuesday and Thursday the kids are going Ice skating and then going to the MET! How chic!
 Wanna know more? Gimme a call or email! I'm pretty helpful!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Special Schedule Today!

Make sure to check our the special schedule today!!!! It's posted around the building!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Chilly but still sunny!

 It's cold,but still sunny outside! Ballet is today and Chantel,our teacher, is in! She's so excited to start dancing with our kids! Can't wait until the next showcase.
 Tomorrow is the party for the 2nd grade and up and it will be in the basement. Some parents were nice enough to donate pizza,drinks, and food, so feel free to donate!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Open house!

Hey! INterested in summer camp?? Come to the open house at Ella Baker at 5pm! It will be in the Ella Baker Cafeteria!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's a nice day!

Sorry for not updating yesterday, it was just so nice out I didn't feel I needed too! This Friday is the 2nd grade and up's party! I orginally said it would be in the Ella Baker Cafeteria, but I think we're changing it to the basement so we don't leave a mess for the girl scouts! Check in tomorrow!
 Kids can dress up for the dance on Friday and parents have been nice enough to donate! Thanks parents! We'll be taking picutres and videos on Friday, so be sure to check out the blog on the weekend to see the fun!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Half Day!

Hooray for half days! They are my favorite! The 2nd grade and up are going to Central Park 12-1:30pm and the prek-1st grade will watch a movie and play games in the basement. Be sure to look at the half day schedule posted around the building, or call ahead!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Good news, Bad news....

 OH man, today is SUPPOSED to be our first day of ballet......but......The teacher is sick! So, that means an extra class has be added on AND kids still get to come to ballet today with me and have some fun.
 How qualified am I? At SUNY purchase, not only was I in the music conservatory 2004-2008, but I wrote for dancers AND collaborated with dancers 2006-2008. I'm super exicted to get the kids dressed and get them ready for another great semester with the Alvin Ailey Dance Company!
 Also, for tomorrow's half day, grades 2nd and up will be in Central Park 12pm-1:30pm. We will be running sports in the park, so please let us know if you'd like your child to NOT go to the park.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Keep on Moving!

Another great day! Did you know that we're having a summer camp open house Feb.8th at 5pm in the Ella Baker Cafeteria. Hooray! Come to learn about camp!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Nice weather we have!

 I know it's a little chilly, but all of our after school groups will still get a little outside time today, not a lot,but just enough to get some fresh air!
 Don't forget that this Friday is a half day! YES! That means that you MUST sign up AND pay with Valerie before 12 noon Thursday. Also, February tuition will be due, so make sure you're all squared up with us here at Empire so your child's afternoon can continue to be awesome,educational, and FUN!
 There will be a brand new newsletter available this Wednesday,February 1st.All of our Team Leaders will have them for you when you pick up Wednesday,Valerie will email it you, AND there will be hard copies in the basement! Thank you and have a groovy day!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Icky out again!

Looks like another rainy day for us....meaning no kids outside, boohoo. 1st grade will be in the Library on 67th street 3:30-4:30. Prek will have extra grouptime in rm114 and Kindergarten will have extra grouptime in rm238.
Did you know that summer camp applications are downstairs in the basement?How cool!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


 Swim is today! Did you check out the video? cute!
 BIG NEWS! Kindergarten will be running on the prek schedule today!!!!!! If your child is in kindergarten, they will be with the prek group all afternoon!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


 HOORAY MOVIE! So sorry I didn't put it up earlier! I'm working on the DVD as we speak, so if you'd like a copy of the DVD let me know. I'll have copies available Friday!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Not ready yet!

So sorry! I haven't had time to put the video of the ballet recital up! I'm working on it now and touching it up for the dvds, sorry for the delay!
 It's also super icky out!
 The Prek and Kindergarten will have extra grouptime 3:30-4 in their respective classrooms, as will 1st grade at 4-4:30.
 The 2nd and 3rd grade will hang in the basement at 3:30-4 and the 4th grade will have extra homework/grouptime in rm327 at 4-4:30.
 Please check the boards by the security desk or in the basement for assistance, or give us a call!

Friday, January 20, 2012

oooooooh BOY!


What a lovely day!

I hope this sun stays out for the rest of the day! Did anyone else hear that's supposed to snow this weekend? I hope not....I mean, I love snow and all, but I don't know if I'm ready for it yet.
 Anywho, the ballet recital is today at 4:30 in rm100! If your child is interested in joining the next ballet class it starts in February! There's still room!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Swim starts today!

Oh boy! I'm so excited about our swim program starting today! The kids will change here at Ella Baker,get on the bus, go to the 135th street Y and swim! They swim for about 45min-1hour, get dressed, and then head back to the school. They should be back at Ella Baker around 5:30-6, depending on traffic! Questions? Gimme a call and let me know!
 Also, don't forget about the extra ballet recital this Friday in rm100 at 4:30pm! Hooray!
 ALSO! Since there's been a lice scare with the little ones, we've had to remove pretend play items, carpets, and our beloved super old couch. The carpets are going to be cleaned, I'm getting brand new bean bag chairs, but I just can't afford a new couch.
 Do you know anyone who needs to get rid of a couch? We'll take it! Have old toys? We'll love to take them off your hands! We've had to disgard most of our toys and would be ever so grateful if you could donate to our program. Thank you in advance for all your support!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Rain Rain Go away...

It's not that cold, but wet! So that means the prek,k,and 1st grade will not go outside, but instead hang out in the basement or extra grouptime in the basement. Please check the message boards for exact time changes!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

It's icky outside!

Ew, it's not quite raining, but it's definitely not sunny.....what to do? Well, 4th grade and up are going to the 67th street library across the street after snack today and will stay over there until 4:45. The prek and kindergarten will go for a walk and the first grade will be in the basement during their "playground" time. There will be notices posted!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Change of Plans!

 I know SWIM was supposed to start today, but it's been moved to next week! I know I know, a total bummer, right? Don't worry, an extra swim is added at the end, so you're not really missing anything. Also, this gives you a chance to make sure you have written your child's name on their towels,bathing suits,and swimming caps. Please call for any questions!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Moving right along...

 January tution is offically late! There is a $10 late fee attached to any monthly payment made this week! We're sorry for the inconvience, but it is written in your contract that there is a late fee attached after the grace period. Also, don't forget about the half day!

Monday, January 9, 2012



Thursday, January 5, 2012

Baby, it's cold outside!

Oh boy! It sure is chilly! Even though it's cold, most groups will probably step outside this afternoon for some fresh air, a quick walk around the block,5min in the alley, etc. No group will be outside for too long, but if you do not want your child to go outside this afternoon, let me know!
 Don't forget next Friday is a half day, you MUST pay and register your child for the half day before next Thursday.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

Hey! Happy New Year! I can't to see everyone this afternoon back at Empire. I hope you had a good holiday break and are ready to get back into the groove.
 There will be a newsletter out today, our team leaders will be passing it out. In the newsletter, it will touch on the new schedule that will be put into place next Monday, Jan.9. There are a lot of changes to the new schedule that will be passed out on Friday. We're passing out the schedule Friday, if you'd like to have one,so can check out all the new changes we made to the schedule to better meet the needs of our kids.
 There's a half day coming up, so make sure you sign up & pay BEFORE Thursday. This way we can staff accordingly!
 Thank you all so much and I can't wait to see you all soon!