Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Just a reminder!

It's lovely outside! This fall weather makes me so happy. The sun is out and it's not chilly like yesterday, but you know fall is here. I love seeing the leaves change color and I can't wait to start wearing sweaters! Fall in West Virginia is my favorite, but even my country heart is loving autumn in New York....
 I digress!
Please no peanut products!!! I'm a fan of the Carver creation, but we can't have them! Also, we don't offer childcare September 17 & 18th (that's next Monday and Tuesday) So sorry! We also don't offer childcare September 26th (a Wednesday).....but we will be running full day programming October 8,Columbus Day. Applications for that holiday will come in a week or two, so be sure to check back any extra info, or just ask!
 Pick up is at 6pm sharp, we charge $1 a minute after 6:02pm per child. It's rough I know it, but the security guards need us to be out of the building! They're tough, but we love them for keeping us safe.
 I'm going to be taking some pictures today, hopefully they'll be up on this blog later tonight or tomorrow......
Have fun and see you soon!