Wednesday, September 19, 2012

And Fall is on it's way......

Yes! I can't wait to start wearing my sweaters! I always wanted one of those reallybig colorful ones like Bill Cosby used to wear..... I would look pretty fly.
 Anywho, a great day is ahead of us! The 2nd and 3rd graders get to hang with me today and our prek/k kids will be playing in  the alley and not in the playground. Be sure to check the schedule downstairs for any last minute details. School snack arrives tomorrow so tday we're going to be enjoying milk and Frosted Mini-Wheats ( if your child can not have wheat, we have popcorn also), yes,the name brand kind. As a kid, my parents were very anti-candy or sugary foods, so we always had super bran cereals or granola....I'm pretty sure I was the only kid in 1989 going to school with homemade fruit leathers......I digress!
 Another beautiful day in the greatest city in the world is upon so I won't waste any more time typing and get back to playing with the kids!
 Be sure to let Valerie know if you have any monetary concerns or are making payments.
Valerie Kirk