Friday, September 21, 2012

Reminders, updates,etc...

 Today!! Prek will be playing in the alley not the playground, 2nd and 3rd might be a little late in arriving to the library because they are finishing their pirate ships, and everyone should be having a lot of fun! It's so lovely out, so please be sure to check for any changes (groups may want to stay outside longer) on the 2nd floor,the basement door, or the 1st floor message board which is located right behind the bookfair.

 Monday, Sept.24, is the first day of Fencing class! I'm very excited that you guys signed up because it's a great class. Just make your child is wearing comfortable clothes. We supply the gear and we pick them up and take them to the class. The class goes from 3:30-4:30, on the first day of classes they will be going over safety procedures,commands,and how to put the gear on. I know that's a little boring, but safety first!!!!
 Wednesday, Sept.26, is Yom Koppur. We DO NOT run program on this holiday. I do apologize for any inconveince, but we don't start running holiday schedules until Columbus Day October 8.
The first half day is coming up!!!October 5!
 Last but not least, have you heard of TADA!!!!?
No? Well, it's this really groovy theater program that turns out real theater productions! I'm not joking, they do the real thing. Scenery,costumes,real actors come in and teach and coach the students. They sing,dance,and put on great shows!!! It's $255 to sign your child up, and it's worth every single penny. We're pleased as peach to have them as apart of our family here at Ella Baker and we hope you can take the time to think about signing your child up today, you won't regret it!!