Monday, October 1, 2012

New classes starting this week!!

Today, Fencing! Wednesday, Swimming! At 3pm, I,Bridget, pick up all the swimming students, we get dressed on the second floor, and then off to the pool! We get back from the pool around 5:45-6pm (depending on traffic). Please pick up swim students in the basement, or right by the front door! Make sure to sign out with the consoler who is travelling with them,Suhiala.
 Thursday is the first day of Ballet! If you haven't already signed up, you should, it's gunna be great.
 Thursday is also a FREE TRIAL day for TADA! Yes, we need more kids to join in on the fun, at 3:30pm-5pm there will be a trial (FREE) class for the TADA! to get you hooked! If you've already paid for TADA! you're child will come to the trial class,too.
 And to top off this fun filled week, it's our first half day this FRIDAY!Oct.5,2012. It's only $20 11:30am-3pm. If you've already paid for the month ($240) then 3-6pm is covered, you just need to tell Valerie and pay before Friday morning.