Tuesday, October 30, 2012


That was crazy!! I hope all of you guys are ok and were prepared as much as one can be in a hurricane! I've dealt with a lot of storms growing up in WV ( the hamlet I was raised in was right by the Potomac and the Mountains) but now that I live in the city the damage is unimaginable.
 As you know, the subways,buses,Amtrak, and schools are closed tomorrow too..... yikes!! The clean up may take a while, but if we all help out and stick together(like New Yorkers always do) then we can pull through this!!!!
 Feel free to call or email with any questions, I know that I'm going to stay home until it's a little safer outside with my blanket and keep the weather channel website on for the rest of the day. Hopefully we'll be able to go back to school tomorrow....but who knows!
 I know my family back home got hit pretty hard and I wish more than anything to not be stuck here in Queens, but to be in WV with the people I love to make sure they're safe. I hope all of you are doing the same. Stay safe and we'll see you soon!