Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Lango, ballet, and YOGA

Yes, another Bridget yoga/pilates class is here!I know,I know, it's awesome. You should come and try it!
 Lango will be in the Ella Baker cafeteria at 5pm-6pm. There will be an awesome demo for your kids to enjoy and for you to learn about. Please come up and try it, you'll like it, you'll like it!!
 Ballet is having their extra ballet class today in rm318 to better prepare for the recital June 14th(this Thursday) at 4pm in rm100.
 I know it's dreary out, but unless you see a post it up on the message board by the security desk, we'll be on our normal schedule!
 Prek&K are joining forces today, so they will be following the prek schedule all day!!