Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ballet, Cold Weather, Thanksgiving Feast, and Schedule Changes

 The parent teacher conferences on still going, so please please call if you're confused about where the kids are, and don't forget to check the message board by the security desk for any room changes, and there will be!!!
 It's cold, so we are trying our hardest to keep track of all your child's belongings. We would love it if gloves,scarves, and hats are marked on the tags with your child's name, we would be more than happy to do it ourselves, but only with your permisson!
 Thanksgiving feast!!!! I love food, I love making food, and I love sharing food with the people I care about, you guys!
 Tuesday November 20, we are having an Empire feast! The schedule will be a little different so we can all enjoy food together. We would love it if you donated some food and/or drink to our party! I'll be making chili (turkey), and I should mention that this chili is awesome,and Jackie was talking about picking up some roasted much fun!
 Let us know what you'd like to bring!