Thursday, December 22, 2011

Is it Winter yet?

 Man! It's warm! You will definately see our kids outside enjoying the weather today.
 Today is also the last day to wrap presents! I brought in some new things to choose from so donate $5 today and have a present from your little one on your holiday!
 Don't forget next week Empire is offering Holiday Programming Monday-Friday. It's only $50 a day,8:30-6. Sweet deal! If you are a package holder, meaning you paid for the entire year all at once, then your child comes for free. Even sweeter!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Empire Pizza Party!

OH BOY! I've been waiting for this pizza party! I LOVE having a good time and today is going to be great!
The Schedule will be CHANGED today for the party, AND it looks like rain for the rest of the day....darn. But making gram cracker houses,eating pizza, and dancing should be enough fun to help forget about the rain.

 Thank you to everyone who gave $5 for a DVD or gift wrapping! Thanks to you we can have a stellar party and YOU will have a gift waiting to be opened for your holidays! Since the gift wrapping was so popular I'm bringing in a few more gifts today just in case! If there's a big enough demand for it, we can extend the wrapping till Thursday, but since I won't be at school on Friday ( I gotta high tail it to DC!) I won't be around to run the wrapping session.
 So, hopefully everyone who wants to gift wrap can do it today!
 Thank you again to everyone for their best wishes, donations, and positive outlook on life itself.
Peace to you my friend!
 P.S. Don't forget that next Empire will be running Holiday Programming Monday thru Friday!!! Valerie sent out an email so be sure to check it out. There are hard copies of the application for next week in the basement!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Baby, it's cold outside!

The sun is out, but there's a chill in the air! It may not be snowing, but this weather is fantastic.....
 Today and tomorrow are the last days to send money and have your lil ones wrap something nice for you during the holidays! Don't forget that all the money from the gift wrapping and DVDs go straight to the pizza party on Wednesday!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

What a lovely day!

It's just beautiful outside today! I can't believe that it's December and that it feels like September......weird....
 Anywho, I'm bringing some DVDs in today for people to purchase for their loved ones,friends, or just to have forever! The DVD includes the showcase ( which is broken up into 3 parts) and the slideshow.  I made about 20 copies, so if there are none left by the time you get to me today, I'll have more on Monday.
 We're also starting the gift wrapping today. Give your child $5 (or myself or Val) and they can choose several gifts to wrap for you, the babysitter, or grandma! If they don't get a chance this afternoon, we will be gift wrapping Monday and Tuesday as well.
 Empire will be having a pizza party for the Empire KIDS on Wednesday Dec.21.....I capitalized KIDS because Parents eat bigger slices of pizza, and we can't have that! But feel free to come and enjoy the holiday season with us, eat sensible slices of pizza ( leave some for the kids) and have some good ol fashioned fun!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

first half!

So sorry for the delay! Here is the first half! I'm working on the second half now and it should be put up shortly! You like it? Did you like the slideshow? BUY THE DVD! It's $5 and alllll the money goes to the after school program's pizza party next Wednesday!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How awesome!

That was fantastic! I had so much fun! I hope you did too. If you'd like to keep the slideshow (which is awesome) and the showcase forever and ever, or give to a friend or family member, I would be more than hapy to give you a copy! PLease let me or Valerie know you'd like to have one, give us $5 and your wish is granted! All the sweet sweet money we make off this sweet sweet DVD go straight to the holiday pizza party!!!!!
 I never have enough time to talk to every parent after a show like this, but I'm dying to know what you thought, so please feel free to drop a comment at the blog! Thank you all so much for coming! I'm editing the showcase now, and I'll post it up.
 But if you buy the DVD, the showcase will be "pumped up" so your $5 is the best $5 you ever spent!


 The showcase is today!!!!! HHHOOOORRRAAAYYY! There will be ballet,singing,acting, and of course an art gallery! The showcase is at 4:30-m in rm100, after the showcase come to the basement to check out the art show AND the special dvd I made.
 What? A special surprise made by Bridget? Yes, it is awesome. I put together video clips,pictures,and groovy music to help keep the memories of Empire.
 If you love the video, and I know you will, you can ask for one, it only costs a dollar!
 Thank you in advance!
 Sad you can't make the showcase? It's ok, my feelings aren't hurt. But you should be happy to hear that we're video taping the whole showcase and taking pictures! Those should be posted onto the blog this week!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


A rainy day schedule is out and about! Be sure to check it out on your way in.
 The 1st graders are heading over to the 67th street Library today, so if you're picking them up this afternoon, be sure to check the schedule!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Another rainy day!

Oh boy, here comes the rain! No need to worry, we have Salvador our Yoga teacher here today and all the groups need some time to work on their showcase performances!
 So, that means a rainy day schedule will be posted so none of the kids have to play in the rain! Please take a moment before picking up your child to look at the schedule posted on the message board by the security desk,the door leading to the basement, the basement door, and of course, the second floor message board.
 Showcase? YES! Showcase! I'm so excited for our showcase NEXT WEEK! Dec.13, a Tuesday, at 4:30pm. Rm100 and please please come to the gallery or art downstairs in the basement afterwards.
 This showcase is to give each group a chance to show what they're made of and to show you, the parent what our after school program is all about.
 Yes we keep your child safe, yes we help with homework, and yes we have a great time! Don't listen to me rattle on and on about how I have the greatest job in the world, come on Tuesday and see for yourself!
 Be sure to grab a newsletter today from our friendly after school staff and if you can't come next Tuesday, I'll be videotaping and taking pictures and posting them on the blog.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Half day coming up!

 Don't forget that Decmenber is on it's way so December payments will be due. Also, there is a half day this FRIDAY! Meaning, you gotta sign up with Valerie by tomorrow at 12pm!It's only $10 and the big kids will probably get to go to Central Park again if the weather isn't too bad.
 I want to give a HUGE thank you to Stella Lieberman and her mom Lauren! Thank you so much for your donations to our after school, we greatly appreciate it and it means so much to us!Thanks again for all your support!
 P.S. I'll be putting up some more videos from Thanksgiving!Come back soon to check it out!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Almost there!!!

 Oh man, we're getting so close to Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because I get to go home to West Virginia and eat food!  When the Ellsworths get together we usually break out the instruments and start jamming, it's always a party at the Ellsworths! If you're heading towards West Virginia, you should stop by!!
 Anywho, I digress, today, the schedule will be slightly different because each group will get to hang in the basement for a bit to eat some pie, drink some hot chocolate, and of course, play games!!! We're going to talk about what we're thankful for and all that jazz!
 Again, we don't offer childcare for the Thanksgiving break, BUT we hope you have a great one!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Rainy days.....

Looks like a rainy day that means that each group will have an alternative to being outside today. This is a blessing in disguise I feel because each group is currently working on the end of the semester SHOWCASE!

 Showcase? YES, showcase! On December 13, a Tuesday, 2011, Empire will be holding a end of the semester show for all you parents! You'll get to see singing,ballet, Capoeria, acting, and yoga! This is a chance to see our after school and what we're made of! Our showcase is just a few weeks away, so made sure to mark your calendars!
 December 13, 2011, 4:30pm Rm100!!!
 Can't wait to see you there!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Half Day!

Another Half Day is upon us! The schedule for Tuesday Nov.15's half day will be posted all over the school! It looks like rain and all the classrooms will be used up tomorrow, so the kids will be using the basement, the art room (which is in the basement), and the 5th Fl cafeteria.
 If your child is in 4th grade and up, they will be at the 67th street Library (across the street from JREC) from 4pm-5pm doing homework and reading books!
 The schedule is very specific this time so you'll know exactly where we are. Feel free to call or email anytime for more info!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sun, Keep on Shining!

It's lovely outside! If you came to the holiday program yesterday, I hope you had fun! Don't forget we have another program running on Friday!
 Since Day Light Savings has occurred, when some of our kids go outside, it's dark! We won't change up the schedule because we don't want to confuse anyone, but some groups will have shorter outside time, and in the 1st grader's case, staying in the Alleyway.
 Meaning, if your child is in the first grade, they will be playing in the Alleyway at 4:40 on Mondays and Wednesdays. I will make the changes to the schedule today!
 Don't forget, We don't offer childcare during the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Hey hey! Thanks for visiting the blog to see our videos! I had a lot of fun putting them together and I've already started working on the next one!
 Tomorrow is our Half Day and sorry to say, we have capped it! The prek-1st will hang out, play games, and watch Space Jam in the basement. 2nd grade and up will be in Central Park until about 1:45pm if the weather is nice. The half day schedule will be posted around the building, so be sure to look for it!

 Next week has two holidays in it! Wow! Need a fun place for your kid to hang out? Come to Empire! We will be picking up kids in front of Ella Baker 7:45-8:15am, then going to the Earth school (located at 6th street and ave b) for cooking, woodworking, and soccer! You can pick up your child in front of Ella Baker between 5-6pm. Feel free to email or call for more info and there are applications in the basement!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Looks like a another rainy day

It's icky out, so be sure to look at the rainy day schedule posted up around the building.
 Did you hear about the party????
 Yes! We're going to have a fall bash tomorrow afternoon! Kids can bring their costumes to school, and at 3pm, we're more than happy to help them get suited up for the party! There will be fun,food,and face paint! Don't worry, I'll take loads of picutres and videos to share with all of you here on the blog over the weekend!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's gettin colder...

Nice crisp fall air...... yes our kids are still going outside, BUT not for too long, and definitely wearing coats and sweaters!
 Did you hear about our Fall Fiesta? We're going to have super cool face painting happening on Friday along with games and food for the kids! There will be a special schedule posted up for that day, so don't follow the normal Friday schedule.
 Yes your kids can bring their costumes! Since it's not a normal after school afternoon, we have plenty of time to change into our costumes after we get out of school!
 Yes I will video tape and take pictures of our awesome time and the cool make up effects our art teacher Alison will create! Did I mention she is a professional make up artist? Be sure to check out the blog later this week for the Firday schedule, a list of activities we will be holding Friday, and check for videos and pictures this weekend!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Another great day!

I'm loving this weather! A chill to the air, clouds a plenty, but the sun is just peeking through....Did you go pumpkin picking yet? I hope so!
 I'm so excited about this week! On Friday, Empire is having a little Halloween party, or as I like to refer to it, a Fall Ball! Kids can bring their costumes to school and change into them during after school! We'll eat, play, and be merry! I'll be filming and taking pictures aallll week so I hope you come back to the blog over the weekend to see all the fun!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Another beautiful day! You'll find our kids outside enjoying the weather and if your child is taking the ballet class, please pick them up after ballet is over! Feel free to call or email with any questions!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Stretch it out!

Another day of yoga and I hope everyone had a great holiday break! There will be a slight schedule change coming up for fridays. Now that we offer an awesome theater and improv class, we want to make sure it fits in nicely with our schedule.
 Thank you so much for your patience and I hope to have the updates soon!
 Did you hear about the info session? Next tuesday we're having an ope house for new,returning, and perspective families! We're going to answer questions, tell you about our new classes, and let you meet some of our awesome staff.
 Know of families who are considering after school? Bring them along, let them meet us and get to know what Empire is all about!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Half Day!

Our first Half Day has arrived! The big kids are going to Central Park and the little guys are going to get to watch a movie and relax, and play of course!
Did you hear about our Empire Open house? No? Well, on October 18th, a Tuesday, we're holding an open house for the parents of Ella Baker to come and ask questions and get to know the staff! Know someone who's interested? Bring them along! There will be refreshments and Kinya Trotman,our CEO will be in attendence.
 Feel free to contact me anytime for more info!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What a beautiful day!

 It's beautiful out! I hope it's this nice out tomorrow!
 Today is the first day of Ballet with the Alvin Ailey Dance Company! The first dance session is at 3:30-4:30pm, you can pick up your child from ballet in rm114(on the first floor) at 4:30pm. The kids in that session are prek and k.
The second session starts at 4:30-5:30 and it's for groups 1st and up. They can be picked up at 5:30 from rm 318 or the basement.
 Also, tomorrow is our first half day and we're very excited to have such nice weather! Grades 2&up will be going to Central Park for games and Soccer, they'll head back to Ella Baker around 1:30pm. The little guys will be chilling with a movie and then some outside time. Half day schedule will be posted around the building, but feel free to ask for one ahead of time.
 I hope this is helpful and see you soon!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Open House date!

I apologize for the grammatical errors in my last post! I was typing as I was running out the door and didn't think to double check my work...shame on me....
 I digress, I wanted to post about our awesome scrapbooking class today with Della! She's very nice and creative, a perfect fit for Empire! She is also a para professional at the Ella Baker school so all the kids know her!
 We also have a date for the Empire Open House. Tuesday, October 18, 5:30-7pm. Refeshments will be offered!
 This open house is a chance for you the parents to come and meet some of the staff, ask questions, and of course get a chance to see what this after school has to offer your child. If you know any other Ella Baker families considering the different after school choices, tell them to join us on Tuesday October 18th to learn more about us and the cool classes we offer your children!
 5 days a week, $150 a month, a different class every day of the week, and we hire para professionals from Ella Baker.
At Empire, everyday is an adventure!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


What a nice chill to the air! Yes are kids are still going outside, but it is our top priority to make sure that they are all wearing jackets and sweaters, whether they like it or not!
 Yoga is today and if you haven't had a chance to check our Salvidor's class you should, he's a great teacher and the kids are really enjoying his class.

 We're so excited to boast about our new partnership with the Alvin Ailey Dance Company! Not only are they totally legit dance teachers, you know they've got to be good to part of that dance company.
Not impressed yet? We're also offering improv and theater classes on Friday! We have some talented kids so we want to give them the opportunity to work with real teachers and gain real experience.
 The newsletter comes out today, all the group leaders will be handing them out, but you can also find it posted around the school and in the basement.
 There's a half day on Friday so be sure to sign up and pay Valerie before noon Thursday, October 6. We need to have a solid list of all the children attending so we can staff accordingly.
 There's a holiday coming up October 10, Monday. Yes we are running program and yes your child can be dropped off in front of Ella Baker between 7:45-8:15am and they can be picked up in front of Ella Baker around 5-5:15pm. If you need to pick up earlier, you will have to do so at the Earth School located at east 6th street between ave b and c.
 We're also holding an Open House for all Ella Baker families in a couple weeks to say hello and tell you about all Empire has to offer your child and to answer any questions you have about the program!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thursday and Friday off!

My apologies for not updating this week! We've been so busy at Empire and not too much has been happening schedule wise so I haven't taken the time to update.
  Here are the facts! No school Thursday or Friday, long weekend ahead! Sadly we do not cover these two days off, but we do cover Columbus Day, October 10! The October newsletter will have detailed info on what the plan is for that holiday! Be sure to look for it!
  Our first half day is coming up, October 7th, a Friday. If you haven't signed up for it yet, you should! Valerie sent out an email not too long ago letting you know when all the half days are and this year we're offering you the chance to pay for all the half days upfront (each half day is only $10) if you pay for all of them up front you get one free, hooray for free stuff!

 You must must must give Valerie payments for half days and let her know your child is attending!
 Another fact, October is around the corner, meaning, payment for the next month of after school is needed! There is a 8 day grace period is available, but I'm sure it's best just to get it out of the way!
 Another fact, we have two new staff members! Sally with kindergarten and Shakira with pre-k. They're already fitting in and I hope you get a chance to meet her!

 Thank you so much for supporting us and we'll see you soon!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Will it rain or not?

Who knows what's going on in the sky....not me! We'll plan to stick to our thursday schedule, capoeria and gift making, and for the outside portion of the day we'll still plan to go outside. If it does rain you will most likely find our groups in the classrooms keeping dry, but before running around, call me or Valerie first!
 Thank and see you soon!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Today we have scrapbooking with Della and I'm very excited to see what the kids are working on. The only schedule changes today are the rooms! The prek group will be using rm114 this afternoon, the kindergarten will be using 238, 1st grade,2nd&3, and 4th&up will be on the 3rd floor. I know the new rooms are a little confusing, so feel free to call myself or Valerie Kirk to locate your child's group before running around the building!
 Thank you so much and we'll see you soon!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Looks like a rainy day.....

 It looks like a rainy day! That means that our kids will not be going outside during their outside time....instead they will have extra time int heir classrooms today.
 Speaking of classrooms, my deepest apologies for any confusion yesterday. We were given new classroom assignments at the end of the day on Friday by the assistant principal and we're trying to get used to the change.  We're sorry for the inconvienice, and we hope to have this sorted out shortly!
 The new classrooms will posted on the message board by the security desk, the doors to the basement, the basement door, and the 2nd floor schedule.
 Thank you again and I'll see you soon!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fall is in the air

Can you feel that chill in the wind? The smell of the leaves? In West Virginia, I love it when fall comes. When I was a kid, I loved to get up in the morning and look out my window. The mountains would be a quilt of colors and the air smelled like wood. Not like a tree, but wood that's just been cut for a fire, that kind. Even though my heart is in West Virginia, "Autumn in New York" is equally as beautiful.
 What a great week to talk about! We have some great classes and new kids joining us this week. The kids are doing a great job getting used to the schedule and I commend them for their efforts in trying to get to a place at the right time...seriously! It's not easy moving place to place and I know we haven't nailed it down yet, but thank you for being patient!
 Speaking of moving around, some of the classroom assignments have changed. I know it will be confusing at first and I apologize for that. Since we want to work cohesively with the Ella Baker teachers, we don't want to burden them with our presence everyday. So, each group will be utilizing 2 classrooms throughout the week so we don't ware out our welcome in any classroom.
 The schedule will be fixed accordingly and when I have the final room numbers they will be posted not only around the building and in the new schedules, but I shall put them in the blog.
 Thank you so much for your support and patience with this new schedule, and I believe it will work for everyone!
 Please feel free to call or email me anytime with questions, concerns, or just to chat. I love talking to people and I'm eager to get to know all of our new families and get better acquainted with our returning ones.
 See you soon!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Getting into the swing of things...

 Wow! What  day yesterday! Thank you so much for being patient with our groups. For our pre-k-1st grade groups, transitioning from place to place is a routine they have to get used to, so I apologize for any inconvience this might have caused you, since all three of those groups were trying their best to be at the right spot on time.
 Again, please feel free to call me if you need to pick up early. I'd rather know that you're coming so you're child can be ready, than to have you run around the building exhausted!
 Even though some of our groups were little behind, we still had a great time in yoga, Thanks Salvador!

 Today is another adventure at Empire! Today, Della Cannon, a paraprofessional at Ella Baker, is going to be teaching a scrap booking class today. We're very excited to have her join us and I can't wait to see what she comes up with.
 Thanks so much for your support and I'll see you soon!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day Two!

 Another great day is upon us and I hope you're ready!
 Yesterday was a great first day. It was wonderful to meet all the new families and see the familiar faces. I'm so proud of the staff here at Empire this year and I know you'll like them too. I've been trying to say hello to as families as possible, so if I missed you at pick-up yesterday, I'll be sure to catch you today.
 It's beautiful out so you'll see our kids in the park or alley having fun. Today is also yoga with Salvador, our awesome yoga teacher. He worked with us this summer and the kids really enjoyed his class. Be sure to ask your kids how it went!
 See you soon!

Friday, September 9, 2011


* Additions to this post have been made*
  Empire is back at Ella Baker and we're here to have fun! I hope I got a chance to meet some of you this week, and if not, I'll see you on Monday!
 I'm Bridget, the site director, and I will be posting as much as possible. This way if something comes up in the schedule or there's a new staff member or there's an earthquake, you can just go this blog and see what's up. You also won't be bogged down with papers sent from school or lengthy emails.
 This blog is great way for me to tell you how the after school day or week is going. I like to try and update everyday, but sometimes there's just not enough to write about!
 I'm always talking about how great the kids are and tell you about the different staff members we have.
 First, there's me, Bridget Ellsworth, the site director. I plan the programs, manage the staff, work one on one with the kids who need the extra set of ears, and I'm always playing group games with the kids. I'm from West Virginia, I teach piano, and I once played with Herbie Hancock.
 ( I don't have bios from the rest of the staff yet, but it's coming!)
There's Valerie Kirk our Asst. site director who not only is the parent coordinator for Ella Baker but does all the payments and takes care of all half day stuff. She is a vital part of our Empire family!
*Team Leader positions may fluctuate for first two weeks, we will keep you informed of any changes*
Ashley-prek team leader
Anna- Kindergarten team leader
Ana - Kindergarten and 1st grade team leader
Angel-1st grade team leader
Marcus- 2nd and 3rd team leader
Alex- 2nd and 3rd team leader
Jackie- 4th and up team leader
Shayna-4th and up team leader
 We have a couple of other team leaders on their way, but I'm waiting for all my bios to put up!
I'm so excited to see everyone on Monday! Please please feel free to call or email me with any questions or concerns, I love to talk to people and I can't wait until after school starts. You made the right choice and your kids will never forget their time here.
 Thank you and see you soon!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tomorrow Tomorrow

The paper bag players were so fun! I personally have lived in NYC for 4 or 5 years and have never been to the New York public library on 42nd and 5th, and it was beautiful. We had a great time. When we got back the Smurfs and the Wrecks had a lego competition and the Wild Tigers finger painted a masterpiece.
 Tomorrow is a very important day. We're going to Governor's Island!!! We are leaving very very early so make sure to drop off your child before 9:45!!! It is a long trip so we are trying to get back to the school as soon as possible!! Our plan is to be back at school between 4-4:30, please understand we are going to try our hardest to stick to that. Make sure to pack a water bottle and sunscreen and I'll try to collect as many pictures as possible!!!
 Thank you so much for keeping up with the blog!
 Next week's trips are: Tuesday- Brooklyn Children's Museum
                                     Thursday- Museum of Moving Images
 Wednesday July 20 at 4pm will be our Intro to Ballet class and Friday will be Fencing!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Hey hey, I heard it might rain, so let's hope for the best....if it does rain, be sure to check the schedule for any changes!
 Don't forget there are two half days left this month, one on Friday and one on Tuesday, the last day of school. Make sure that you sign up with Valerie and pay the $10 fee before these days. If you don't, we can't let your child's not our intention to be harsh, but since a lot of my staff are para professionals at the school, they are not available during half days.So please please please make sure to check in with Valerie!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Overcast, but optimistic!

 It may be cloudy, but hopefully we can go through our after school day without any rain....
 Speaking of rain, if it does do so, then there will be changes to the schedule.....
 Speaking of schedules.....
 HOW EXCITING! I'm putting up a new schedule today because it's the end of the school year and we want to make sure we have as much fun as possible.

 Why are we changing the schedule AGAIN? Well, it seems that most of our kids don't have homework, teachers need their classrooms, and there's only one instructor coming in this, with that being said....I felt it prudent to adjust the schedule accordingly.
 If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email anytime!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Cloudy skies.....

Oh boy....I think it might rain.....
 It hasn't started raining yet, but be sure to check the schedules posted around the building for any changes. Sadly, today is Johnny's last art class this school year! He will be setting off rockets and the kids will have a real....BLAST!...hahaha, I couldn't help myself! Johnny will be working at the Downtown Empire camp this summer, but I have a feeling we'll see him too. Next year Johnny will come back with even more great ideas!
 I'm hoping to video tape some of the action today so be sure to check the blog this weekend to see the clip!
 It may rain today, so if you're confused as to where the kids might be located, give me a call and let me know!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sun, don't stop shining!

I love a little rain, but I'm glad the nice weather is back! Today is Wednesday, so be sure to check the Wednesday schedule posted up in the building. There will be comic book class AND chess!
 Some groups may try to get some extra time outside today, so be sure to check postings for any schedule changes.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Another great day!

I'm loving this weather! There are some pretty big schedule changes today due to assessments in some of the classrooms, so please check our schedules posted around the building to find your child's group!
Don't forget there are two more half days this month! If you haven't signed up and paid, your child can not participate! On the 24th, we're planning (not confirmed) to go to either central park or John Jay playground until 3pm. We'll keep you updated!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's getting hot today!

Oh boy! I hope everyone is wearing sunblock, it's pretty hot! Sorry about not posting, there's been a lot going on getting ready for summer camp.
 Today's schedule is a little different. Tim won't be in today, but Chipman will be teaching chess instead since he didn't get to on Monday. Be sure to check the slight schedule changes on the Wednesday schedule posted on the various walls and doors in Ella Baker.
 Tomorrow is a holiday and boy are we excited! We will be running program in Ella Baker that day! Hoooooray! We'll be going to the Central Park Zoo, eating lunch, and last but no least, hanging out in the sprinklers! So bring a lunch, a swim suit, and plenty of sunblock!
 Hope this is helpful!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Today's schedule....!

So! As you know today's is The Ella Baker School's commemoration! I Believe it starts at 6, or 6:15, so make sure to be there? Is Empire bringing your child to the commemoration?NO!We can't! It's all too confusing, so please please please pick up your child at 6 or before to take them to the commemoration! If your child is in the opening ceremony, Valerie or another staff member will be collecting them accordingly.
 To avoid any confusion to where you child might be at the end of the day, I decided to tweak the schedule a tad!
 At 5:30, all groups will be in the basement. One group may be in the art room, but at 5:30, everyone will be in one spot for easy pick up.
 I hope this helps, and if you're ever in a hurry, feel free to call Valerie or myself before you get to the school so we can help locate yours=child so you can pick up and be on your way!
 Thanks for helping us make a better After School!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Another beautiful day!

I hope you enjoyed the showcase! It was so much fun and we are so thankful you were able to join us.
 When you get the chance, please read Valerie's email concerning the upcoming half days. Please let Valerie know if your child will be attending the half days this month (there are 4 of them!) and if you'd like to sign your child up for the holiday programming June 9th.
 Please note that June payments are due and should be handed to Valerie when possible.
We're going to attempt to pass out art work our kids have completed in after school in hopes they will take it home! Don't be surprised if your little one comes home with a bag full of artwork!
 I hope everyone has a great day!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The rest of the showcase!

This is the rest of the showcase! Enjoy!

flamingos don't eat rye!

 Here's part one of the showcase! This is the play the 4th and up group performed in! The other parts of the showcase are coming very soon!
 Today is Wednesday, still no pool! so sad! BUT!There will be chess and comic book class instead, we always have fun no matter what!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hot Stuff!

Oh man, I'm still riding on that showcase high from Thursday! It was great! I'll putting up the video tonight ( I got my very first mac so I'm testing out iMovie)
 Sadly, last week was our last Yoga session with Bent on Learning. They'll be coming back this summer, but until then, the next few Tuesdays will be different classes taught by me, and they'll be awesome. Today, the schedule will go as usual, but starting next week, Tuesday may change so no one will have to go all the way up to the 5th floor.
 Thank you for those who came to the showcase! Please remember to read our emails because they are important! Empire After School only sends you emails concerning, well, the after school! If you missed the show, be sure to watch the videos I'm putting up to see how much your kids enjoy this program!

Friday, May 27, 2011

That was AWESOME!

If you had a chance to come to the showcase yesterday, I think we can all agree, IT TOTALLY ROCKED! Our kids were smart, funny, and totally having a good time. I was blown away by their performances and I know you were too!
We video taped the whole thing and it will soon be available to see on the Empire website, and hopefully this blog!
 Thanks so much for your support and have an awesome weekend!
 P.S. Shayna was so proud of her kids that she is hosting a pizza party for them in the cafeteria today at around 3:45-5, then they'll be outside for the rest of the afternoon. Be sure to check our schedule!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Showcase is TODAY!

It's finally here! Today at 4:30pm, in room 100, Empire will be having a spring showcase! With plays, dancing, and wonderful art! Please please please come today to watch our kids perform! They've been working so hard and it will be a show not to miss!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Capoeira and Comic Book Hero class!

Another great looking day!
 I'm glad the sun is starting to shine through. The schedule will stay the same today, but if it rains be sure to check the schedules posted around the building.
 There's a half day tomorrow, and it seems that we're all filled up. If you haven't paid yet, be sure to do so, or your child may not be able to come to our glorious half day!
 The showcase is also coming up, May 26th 4:30pm, in room 100. BE THERE OR BE SQUARE!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cloudy and Rainy!

 Those rain clouds don't look too friendly! If this keeps up, we'll have to make sure our kids stay inside, nice and dry!
 So, instead of going outside, our kids will be using the basement and respective classrooms.
Kindergarten in the basement, prek (after yoga) in the basement, first graders in rm 227, 2nd and 3rd in rm 318, and 4th and up in a 3rd floor classroom. All of our groups are practicing for the showcase, so today is a perfect day to rehearse!

Monday, May 16, 2011

rainy day again

 looks like another rainy day! just in case it gets too wet to go outside, we have alternatives to going outside. the day's schedule hasn't really changed, other than going outside, groups will be using the basement, or staying in classrooms to work on their showcase the way, THE SHOWCASE IS MAY 26TH!4:30PM!ROOM 100!

 It's chess today, and I know it will be awesome!

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Sorry about not posting yesterday! So many things were happening I just didn't have time to update! Kinya will be sending a letter to those parents who paid for swim, we have several options to soothe your souls!
 No Capoeira today, our teacher,Lua, is sick! Too bad! She'll be back next week stronger and faster, so no worries. You know what that means, NO 5TH FLOOR DANCE ROOM! So, if you're picking up your child between 3:30 and 6, DON'T GO ALL THE WAY UPSTAIRS!
But this is a blessing in disguise! Our showcase is coming up and all our of kids would like to practice today. 4th and up will be in room 100 around 3:30-4:15ish and then the kindergartners will be in that space until 5. Be sure to check the schedules posted around the building for the schedule changes!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


 It's another great looking day, so be sure to look for our groups outside during their scheduled time. Yoga will be happening on the 5th floor in the dance room and there are no schedule changes!
 Don't forget about the Spring Showcase happening May 26th at 4:30pm, in rm 100! There will be dancing, singing, and most of all, OUR KIDS! We're so proud of our kids and Empire after school, and we hope you are too, so please come and support us! After the performance, come on down to the basement to view some of our art projects from Johnny class.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Blue skies!

It's great outside! Everyone will outside, and when I say that, I mean EVERYONE. As you know, some of our groups like to go to the jungle gym on the playground, it will most likely be packed so be sure to check out the yard, the area around the playground, or the space between the school and yard for our groups. We don't want to spoil the fun for the other kids out there but we also want to have as much time outside as possible because it's so darned beautiful out!
 Chipman is teaching chess today, but remember the schedule is a little different, so be sure to check it out before going to pick up your child.
 We only have a few spots left for summer camp so if you haven't signed up, you better get on it!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Today's schedule....

 Well, it's beautiful outside so you will definately see all of our groups outside.
 Johnny is out today, but the schedule will stay the same. Our groups are getting ready for the spring showcase on May 26th, so they'll all need time to work on their projects and today is a perfect today to get some of those things moving!
 The spring showcase is getting closer! So be sure to write it in your calender!
 May 26th, 4:30pm, Room 100, be there or be square!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My oh my what a wonderful day!

Finally the weather is nice again...I was getting worried! It's beautiful out so you'll see all of our kids outside. The playground will probably be packed so if you're going outside to find your child's group, be sure to give me or the Team Leaders a call. Since the playground gets so packed during nice weather, the groups may choose to run games in the yard or a different part of the playground.
 First graders will be having a pizza party today, so if your child is in that group ask them how they earned that pizza party. They worked hard!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pool still out of service!

 Pool is still out of order folks! I'm sorry to say, but no outside time either as I'm sure you've gathered from this glorious weather ( insert sarcasim). There is an alternative schedule posted around the buliding and all staff members have this schedule on hand. Please please please read the schedule before running around the building today. Some kids will be outside and some kids will be in the basement instead of going outside today. I want to make sure all our kids get some run around time even if we can't go outside.

 Summer camp is getting closer! We'll be going to Goveners Island, zoos, Central Park, every single museum you can think of, and last but not least we will be enjoying air conditioning inside the walls of The Ella Baker School. Want more? There will be soccer (taught by a REAL soccer coach, how exciting!) chess, modern dance AND ballet, sculpture, and MORE! There's only a couple spots left so hurry and sign up your child!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Did you check out the new schedule?

Heyhey! So, some bad news and some good news.... The bad news is that the pool is still broken! Valerie sent out an email today to all parents, so I hope you got a chance to read it.I'm very saddened by the broken pool, I love swimming....but we can only hope for the best.
 The good news is that is wonderful outside and there will be no schedule changes today.
 There's yoga on the 5th floor today, so be sure to check out the new schedule before running upstairs to pick up your child.
 Payments for the month of May are due, if you are paying late, be careful because we do charge for lateness!
 See you soon!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Sunshine on my shoulders make me happy!

Heyhey! I hope everyone got a new schedule yesterday! If you didn't get one from your child, be sure to ask our friendly counselors for one! We're trying to get as many parents as possible to look at the blog everyday to keep up with our groovy program, stay updated on summer camp info, and be a part of the Empire family. With this new schedule, I know the rest of this semester will be awesome!

 Speaking of awesome, our first graders had Tim's comic book hero class yesterday and they were fantastic! Everyone was participating,listening, and having a great time. I'm so proud of their good behavior, I'm positive they'll win the pizza party for next week!

 I'm so excited about summer camp and I hope you are too. I've been working hard on schedules,activites, and trips, this summer is going to be tripndicular!(that means really cool)
 We're going swimming 3 times a week, playing in central's gunna be great....
it's beautiful outside so you'll see us all outside, Have a Groovy Day!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thunder storms!

Whoa nelly! The weatherpeople say it's supposed to be storming and raining all afternoon so we'll have a alternative schedule so no one gets drenched.
 During any groups "playground/yard" time, they will be in classrooms having some extra grouptime.
 Be sure to check our schedules in the building for any changes AND to familiarize yourself with our brand new schedule!

New schedule? Hooray! This new schedule has just what you need!Not only will out Team Leaders be passing it out to all of you, but they are now posted EVERYWHERE you find Empire info!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Oh how I shed these tears of pool, how sad! I was missing our swim sessions over the break and now the pool's broken! Good thing it's beautiful outside! So, instead of pool time, we get more playground time! I love going outside and having some good ol' fashioned fun. Who needs a pool when you have Empire! I put up an alternative schedule for today, so be sure to look for it.

 Speaking of new schedules......WE HAVE BRAND NEW SPRING SCHEDULES OUT TODAY!HOOOOORAY! This brand spanking new schedule has more playground time, more fun, and gives more kids more chances to try all of our fun activities. All Team Leaders will have schedules to pass out to you today and be sure to look for them on the message board by the security desk, the basement door, the door leading to the basement, and the message board on the 2nd floor.
All staff will have permanent schedules in their folders/binders, so if you're confused, ask one of our friendly Team Leaders or just give me a call!


Friday, April 15, 2011


No no, not us, silly goose! We're watching Star Wars today and we're on to probably the best movie of the trilogy, The Empire Strikes Back. I know I've been pumped to see this for a while. The half day schedule will be posted around the building and all staff will have a copy.
 The quick version of the schedule is this:
Prek/k and 1st grade are group A and 2nd grade and up are group B
Group A will be outside until about 1:30,then bathrooms,water,etc, and movie watching in the basement at 2-3:30ish. After that they'll split into their regular after school groups and have art,classroom time, and dismissal in the basement!

GroupB will watch the movie first, then go outside when group A comes in. After that they'll have art with johnny, chess, and all that good stuff!

 I'm sooooo excited for the break and I hope you are too! We offer holiday programming for April 18-22 and NOT April 25 and 26. Holiday Programming will be held at The Earth School on the lower east side and Matt Chipman will be picking up Empire kids in front of The Ella Baker School  in the morning. He will be picking up kids 7:45-8:15 and then he heads to the subway. I know it's not a big window, but it's not summer yet so it might be too cold for our kids to stay outside too long.....
 Anywho, feel free to call or email with any questions!!!!
 Have an AWESOME break, I know I will because I'm going back to West Virginia!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ready for the Break yet?

Another great day full of swim and comic book class!It's a little damp outside, but I'll let the groups decide whether they go outside or not today. So, normal schedule, but be sure to check the boards for any changes.
 The half day is this friday, so you better sign up and pay asap! If you don't pay the $10 ( pretty cheap) or sign up before Friday, your child can not attend the Empire Half Day program. I know this sounds rough, but I can only pull so many employees from other Empire sites.
 Also, the Spring Break is coming up. Please note we have awesome activities scheduled April 18th to April 22!! We DO NOT hold programming on April 25 and 26. I know Matt Chipman will be picking up kids in front of Ella Baker during that week, so be sure to give him a high five! I'll be in West Virginia visiting my family so I won't be around, but feel free to email me with any questions regarding the Holiday Program!

 SAVE THE DATE May 26th, Thursday, 2011
 On May 26th, Empire will be having a SPRING SHOWCASE! Our kids will be performing songs, plays, dances, and more! So be sure to come and watch the action and support our kids!
 The show will start around 4:30ish and after the performances you can come to the basement to see the art gallery! We have been saving art since last semester to put up for everyone to see. So, please make some time in your busy schedules to come and enjoy yourself!

Monday, April 11, 2011

72 degrees!

Oh man, I hope isn't playing a joke on me.......With 72 degrees on our side, you'll definitely find our kids outside today. AND, Chipman is here for chess! He really loves coming to Ella Baker and teaching chess, and we love to have him!

 Need something for your kids to do during spring break? Worry no more! Empire is holding spring break at The Earth School, located on E6th street and ave B. Monday-Friday we will have fun, educational experiences, and did I say fun? Matt Chipman will be helping picking up kids at The Ella Baker school in the morning,7:45-8:15. I know it's not a lot of time, but it will still be a bit chilly outside so we don't want our kids out too long!We have applications for this spring break in the basement, or come and ask me or Valerie! We DO NOT offer programming on April 25 or 26.
 We also have a half day coming up,THIS FRIDAY APRIL 15.
 If you told Valerie your child is coming to the half day and haven't paid, you still have to pay for your child to be on the list. I don't like being a "list" person, but as you all know, getting staff for these half days isn't easy since 86% of my staff works in Ella Baker.
 Thank you for your understanding and have a groovy day!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Clouds Can't Stop Us!

It may be a chilly, but all our groups will make it outside today. They may not spend the whole time out there, but some fresh air will do them good! There's an alternate schedule for 1st grade and prek/k for the day so please check the schedules posted around building to find out where your child's class is.

 Today is comic book class for prek/k and 1st grade and Tim is really excited to show them how to draw and teach them the history about their favorite super heros!
I hope this helps and please give me a call if you need any help!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Let the sunshine in!

I'm loving this sun. When I walk to the subway I see more and more flowers along the way!Today will be a normal wednesday schedule. If your child is in swim, please note they take some time to change from the swimsuits to dry clothes. It is a bit chilly when we get out of the pool so it takes longer some times. If they're not in the basement right on time, that's why!
 Today is comic book class for grades 2nd and up (who don't swim)and Tim is really pleased with their work so far.
 I hope this sun stays around for tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Heyhey! What's going on out there? Is it going to rain or not? I typed up a rainy day schedule, but I'll wait to see what happens out there before I put it up. I would really like for everyone to spend some time outside, but if it rains our schedule will that a slant rhyme?
 Anywho, prek and k get some yoga time today and it's a great day to earn a pizza party star! If they are good listeners their group gets a pizza party star, and if they will 4 stars......THEY WIN A PIZZA PARTY!
 The only group who hasn't won a pizza party is the 1st graders, but I know they can do it this time. That pizza has their name written allll over it!

 Be sure to check the schedule today in case it's too rainy out for our kids!!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday, Monday

Cloudy, but not bad! I would hate to keep our kids cooped up inside all day,so you'll probably see our groups out there. If it starts to rain or get too windy, some groups may choose to be indoors, be sure to check the schedules for any changes!
 A regular schedule day, unless the rain comes, and Chipman's ready for chess! Also, Jackie Levy, co-team leader for the kindergarten class, is bringing in her pet bunny today as a reward to the kindergarten class for doing so well. Shayna,team leader for the 4th and up group, is working really hard with her group on the play that is set to be performed May 26. Johnny, the art teacher, is going to help set up the background and Valerie is helping rehearse. We're so excited!
Hope this helps, and feel free to call or email with any questions!

Friday, April 1, 2011

April is finally here!

Can you believe how time flies? It's already April! Newsletters are going out today and first of the month payments are due! Johnny is going to be doing some magic tricks and other fun stuff today so be sure to ask your kids how class went.
 Sadly, the first graders were not respecting their team leaders and comic book teacher yesterday. Apparently a couple of students in that group got into my locker ( all students know this is a kid free locker, adults are only allowed to get stuff out of it) and started playing mancala and openly ignoring Tasha and Marcus,their team leaders. I was shocked and disappointed because that group has been doing so well in Chess and Johnny's art class. So, today they will not have class with Johnny. I know this may sound tough, but I have to draw the line. Today instead of having art class they will practice their step dancing and have a group meeting about respecting each other, the Empire space, and listening. I know this group has some great potienal to do better, and they will! Good luck!

 It's icky out today, but you know the saying April showers brings May Flowers......So a rainy day schedule will be posted up around the building. All staff will have this schedule on hand so if you're running around and don't have time to stop and check the schedules, ask an Empire staff member! Or better yet, ASK ME! My number is posted all over the building and most of y'all have it by now, so don't hesitate!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Capoeira and Comic Book Hero class!

Heyhey! Another awesome day! Not weather wise though, yuck! It's supposed to rain all afternoon, so I'll be posting up an alternative schedule today to make it easier for everyone! 1st grade will be having Comic book class with Tim in the basement today instead of the cafeteria. All basically any group scheduled to go outside will instead have extended grouptime in those respective classrooms! It maybe a little confusing now, but feel free to call with any questions!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Oh boy, another swim day! For those kids who don't swim with us, they get to hang with Tim our Comic Book teacher, and he's really loving the class! Maybe we can collect all the comics they've been working on and put something out at the end of the semester!
 I wanted to take this moment to let all you swim parents out there know something about the pool. As you know, the pool is shared by all the schools in the Julia Richman Building. 3 high schools, and The Ella Baker school. Now, I love this pool, and I love that we get to use it in after school, but I can not control the maintenance of the actual pool/locker rooms. I have asked the custodial staff about some of the benches in the locker room to see if they could be fixed/taken down. When in the locker room, Chipman,myself, and any other staff member swimming, keep an eye out for these things and try our darnedest to keep the kids safe. As some of you know, our kids get a little nutty when preparing for the pool, prek all the way to 7th grade. Today before each group goes swimming I'm going to remind them of the rules and that the locker room is not for playing! I know this sounds elementary, but it seems that our little angels are a little fuzzy on the rules.

 Thanks for all your patience and support and let's jump in!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Stretching Out

I love this sunshine, I hope it stays! Today is Yoga and I'm feeling starting to feel the benefits, I know our kids are feeling it too. Prek will enjoy yoga today 3:30-4 and then to the playground 4-4:30. 1st grade will have yoga 4:45-5:15 and then 5:15-6 in the basement. I'll be putting up the changes on all the schedules posted around the building. Be sure to check! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call me anytime!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Chess and new staff!

Another beautiful day! It's still a little chilly, but you'll still our kids playing outside at least for a little bit today. There are no schedule changes so far, but if groups would like to stay out longer they will put a post it on the schedule by the security desk and on the basement door. Be sure to check.
 Our newest staff member starts today with the 1st grade group. Her name is Alex Uchniat and she is very excited to be joining the first graders Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. She will also be joining us this summer! Today she will be getting to know her group and her group will get to know her. Alex is going to be a great addition to our Empire Staff, so even if your child is not in 1st grade, she'll probably go out of her way to come and say hi, she is just that cool!
 All groups will get some chess time today, but the first graders might have a shorter class today so they can play some get to know you games with Alex.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Heeeeerrreee's Johnny!

I hope I didn't already make that joke....Anywho, it's beautiful but chilly out. Our kids will spend outside today, but don't be surprised if they have a shortened period outside. There's a Girl Scout meeting, and since a lot of our ladies in green attend, we moved the scheudle around so they can participate in art.
2nd& 3rd grade will have art with Johnny 3:15-4. 4-4:45 outside, 4:45-6 basement

1st grade will be on the playground 3:15-4, and have art with Johnny 4-4:45.

 If there are any more changes, be sure to check the schedules posted around the building!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Like the fishes....

What's up with this weather?Last week was glorious, and this week it's........snowing. Totally bananas. Anywho, no outside time today, but Tim is coming for comic book class and swim will go on as usual.
 Since it's not summer yet, please please please remember your child's towel!! Even though they started heating the pool correctly, as soon as our kids jump out, it's freezing! So remember their swim caps and towels!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Rainy day!

Rain Rain go away! I can't complain though, rain does make the flowers grow.....
 Anywho, since it's raining no one will be outside. Adjustments are being made to the schedule so be sure to check the message board by the security desk.
 Chipman is back for chess today and he's really excited to get back in the mix.  Chess is a great class and our kids actually give it a chance. Keep up the good work!

Friday, March 18, 2011

How the week went

As soon as I got home I sat down at the computer and couldn't wait to tell everyone how awesome our day was! Thank you to everyone who signed up for the half day ahead of time. You have no idea how much it helps! By signing up before the deadline I can get the right amount of staff. Since 80% of my staff are paras of Ella Baker they can not work on half days till the afternoon.By letting us know if your child is attending gives me the chance to ask other Empire staff for their help!
 Stars Wars was awesome to watch and it was a beautiful day! I was feeling under the weather this morning because I've been fighting a cold all week, but I had so much that when 6pm came I felt 20 times better. Being around these kids really made a difference to my health! Boy, I never thought I'd say that!

 It was a crazy week with conferences, schedule changes, and TWO half days so thank you for your patience during this time. We try to make things as easy a possible but sometimes it doesn't always go right.
 I'll try to remember all the crazy things that happened this week and try to add it to the blog asap, but for now I need to take a nap!

It's Friday AND a half day!

Hoooooray!It's Friday! During the half day today kids will be outside, playing chess, and watching STAR WARS! Yes, I got the sweet VHS from Tim, our comic book teacher, and we're totally watching it around 2:30. "A New Hope" is a great orginal and I know the kids will dig it.
 Tim said the Prek kids were awesome in class yesterday and is really impressed with their artistic talents.Tim will be joining us this summer to continue this great class.

 Since it's a half day, there's an alternate schedule. Be sure to look for it around the building or simply call me! I apologize for yesterday being crazy, so much was happening and our staff was trying their darnedest to keep up. Today will be smooth sailing though, so see you soon!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What a beautiful day for after school!

 It's finally awesome outside! You will definately find our kids outside today enjoying the weather!
 Conferences are still going strong so the schedule is a little different.
 Prek and k will have comic book hero class today with Tim. The schedule is different today so make to check the schedules posted around the building.
 Capoeira is also today and it's going great! Next week prek amd k will get to try Capoeira. We have to alternate groups for Capoeira because our teacher can only do 3 groups an afternoon. Thanks for your understanding! Have a groovy day!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Swimming today!

 Another great day to jump into the pool! Remember the conferences are still going on so our wednesday schedule has changed a bit. be sure to check the postings around the school. There's a schedule on the message board by the security desk ( book fair), a schedule on door to the basement stairs, a schedule on the basement door, and a schedule on the 2nd floor.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Half day!

Oh man, conferences are in full swing and there's little sign of stopping. With all these conferences going on, all the classrooms we use during normal after school are not available to us at this time. So, with that said, when you're checking out the alternative schedule for the day, please keep this is mind. The half day schedule can be found at all of our posting spots in the school.
 Since this is a half day Prek/k and 1st grade will be Group A. 2 grade and up will be Group B.

      11:30-12        12-1:30            1:30-3            3-3:30

A    Basement      art,games   playground       snack in Caf.
B    Basement      yard             chess,games   snack in Caf,

After snack at 3:30, the groups are put back to normal and the schedule goes as follows.
                     3:30-4:15        4:15-5       5-5:45                  5:45-6

prek/k           movie in basement             rm 318                 basement

1st                movie in basement            art in art room       basement

2nd & 3rd   homework        yoga          yard                       basement
                    in commons room

4th and up    homework       yard         yoga                        basement
                    in teacher's lunch room

 Please remember that the commons room, teacher's lunch room, and yoga class are all on the 5th floor.
 If your child has a conference, we are not responsible for picking them up or dropping them off.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Conferences and it's effect on our schedule

 Since there are conferences all week long, our after school schedule has changed for the week since the classrooms we usually use are occupied! Please make sure to check the schedules posted around the building. One at the message by the security desk, one on the stairs towards the basement, one on the basement door, and one on the 2nd floor staircase.
 Chipman is at a doctor's appointment today so he will not be in, but all groups will still have chess time and all groups will go outside.
 Since the schedule must fit to the conferences, this week we will be using the 5th floor A LOT and rm 318.
                3-3:30                   3:30-4:15       4:14-5       5-5:45      5:45-6
prek/k    snack in basement  playground        rm 318        basement

1st          snack in caf.            chess in caf.     playground   basement

2nd & 3rd  snack in caf.        homework in    chess in caf.   rm 318    basement
                                                 caf.(common rm)
4th & up     snack in caf.        homework in     yard           basement
                                              teacher's lunch rm

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Capoeira is here!

 Oh boy, it's dreary outside! But no need to fear, our kids will still have a good time.
It will probably be raining all day so no one should be outside today. Here's the alternative schedule for today, be sure to check the message board by the security desk for these changes and any new ones.
               3-3:30              3:30-4          4-4:45            4:45-5:15        5:15-6
Prek/k      snack         rm 239a/239b  rm239a/239b    kindergarten   basement
                                                                                    in basement
1st grade snack        5th floor             rm227               rm 227            basement
                                dance rm

2nd&3rd  snack      rm 324              5th floor            rm 318         rm 318 until 5:45
                                                          dance rm

4th&up    snack     rm 325                 rm 325             rm 325          5th floor dance rm

 I hope this helps!! be sure to check the message board by the security desk for these changes!

 I was soooo pumped about swim yesterday. Our Team Leader Marcus was sick so he missed it, but I know the kids had a great time. Good job to all my little swimmers!
 Today is also comic book hero class for the prek/k kids. from 4-4:45 prek will learn to draw their favorite superheros with Tim and kindergarten will have his class at 4:45 in the basement. This is a really popular class for our prek/k kids, so be sure to ask them about it!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Like a Fish!

 Our little fish are coming along nicely! Pretty soon they'll be swimming on their own! Our Lifeguard Zeke is having a lot of fun and is making group B work hard.

 There no changes today! Please note if you are picking up your child from swim to give them time to change and make their way back to the classroom or basement. Some of our children take a little longer than others to change their clothes and "get it together".

 Want come see your child swim? Sure! Just give me a heads up because I can show where the seating is and let you know the best time to come.

 We have two half days next week!!! You must let Valerie know your child is attending the half day by Friday. If you let us know Monday, your child may not be able to join us.
 We have these deadlines so we can staff accordingly. If kids just show up, then we may not have enough adults, and that is no good!

 I hope all is well and please spread the word about the blog!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Oh the weather outside is delightful!

 Yoga today and everyone will get a chance outside!
prek will have yoga 3:30-4 and then will be on the playground from 4-4:30

kindergarten will have yoga 4:45-5:15 and then head to the basement till 6.

  I'm so proud of our 2nd and 3rd grade group for winning the pizza party! They earned four stars by being good helpers, working together, and cleaning up after themselves. I hope they keep up the good work and continue being super stars!

 Remember March payments are due and the deadline to sign up for the half days is March 11, this Friday.

 The newsletter is being sent out today through hard copy and email so be sure to check it out and spread the word about our blog. Also, Johnny really wants to make mancala boards with all our groups but we don't have enough egg cartons! Save your egg cartons and send them to after school, cause we could use them!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011


Hey there folks! Another great day, even if it's a little windy.
 No changes to the schedule today. All groups will spend a little time outside today and if any groups plan to stay outside longer than usual, it will be posted on the message board by the security desk.

 Chipman is really having fun teaching chess at Empire and a number of our kids are really starting to get the hang of it. The kindergarten group was at first, not thrilled about learning chess, but for the last 4 or 5 sessions, they've been very excited to learn more.  I'm so proud that all of our kids give chess a chance!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Capoeira today!

What a beautiful day! You will see all our groups outside today enoying the weather. Empire is not the only enity in the upper east side area that knows of the fine weather, it seems everyone is out enjoying the playground these days! So, don't be surprised if your child's group is in the yard because the jungle gym is full or vice versa!

 No serious changes to the schedule today, only some clarifications on where our groups will be. 1st grade will have Capoeira 3:30-4 in the 5th floor dance room. Prek will have comic book hero class in 239A 4-4:45 and Kindergarten will have comic book hero class 4:45-5:15 in the basement. Everything else is normal!
 Some groups may want to take advantage of the fine weather, meaning staying out longer than what it says on the schedule, so please stop by the message board by the security desk to check whether your child's group is outside or not.

 Tomorrow is the last day to sign up for the early bird special for summer camp and March invoices are being sent out today.
 Parent conferences are coming up March 15, a Tuesday. That day is a half day and so is March 18th,that Friday. You MUST let us know your child is attending these half days by March 11,Friday.
 If you do not let us know if your child is attending either of these half days, they will not be allowed to attend. It's only $10, which I think is pretty cheap, and if you let us know on time I can staff accordingly and that way, everyone is happy!!!
 I hope this has been helpful, and if you are friendly  with other Empire families or know of families who may be interested please send them to this blog for more info!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Whoopise Doodle!

Hey sorry folks about not posting yesterday! It seems that my computer has ceased to be, kicked the bucket, and is bereft of life! I do apologize for staff lateness over the holiday camp week, but please note that next break Matthew Chipman, Empire's regional Director, will be making sure all is well.

Today is Tuesday, so there are a few schedule changes!
Prek will be in Yoga at 3:30-4, then to the playground until 4:30. Kindergarten will be in Yoga 4:45-5:15, and in the basement 5:15-6. Other than that everything is peachy keen!

  Have you thought about summer camp yet? If you want your child to have a fun filled summer with familiar faces and a staff full of energy, Empire Camp is the place to be! If you have any questions, let me know!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Half day today!

 Aren't we lucky to have such good weather on our half day? The kids will definitely get some fresh air today, and Tim and Johnny will be doing some pretty cool art stuff. There's a new schedule for today so be sure to look for it here and around the school.
 From 11:30-12 all groups will meet in the basement and be split up into to two groups. Prek/k and 1st grade are Group A, 2nd & up are Group B. Empire will stay in these groups until about 3:30.

Group A will be in the basement until 1:30 and then they spend time outside until 2:30. They will relax with a movie and snack until  3:30.
Group B will go outside right away until 1:30, then they will have chess and art until 3:30 in the basement.

After 3:30, Empire will split into it's regular groups.
                     3:30-4:30                      4:30-5:30                        5:50-6
prek/k             rm 239a & 239b           art with Johnny       dismissal in basement

1st grade         art with johnny              grouptime rm 227           dismissal

2nd&3rd       snack in basement          grouptime in rm 318         dismissal
                         then outside    

4th&up         snack in basement           grouptime in basement       dismissal
                           then yard

 After today it's going to be quite a break! To all of you who are traveling, safe travels! Those of you who are coming to Empire Holiday Camp, it's going to be great! Don't forget drop off at The Ella Baker school Feb. 21 is 7:45-8:15am. Marcus, one of the Team Leaders for the 1st graders will be at Holiday Camp so be sure to say hi!
 I hope this is helpful, feel free to call anytime.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Capoeira is back!

Hey hey! Our Capoeira teacher's foot is better so she'll be joining us today! We were so sad to learn she hurt her foot last week, but now she's back! There are some schedule changes for today so be sure to check here and around the Ella Baker school for posts.

1st grade has Capoeira in the 5th floor dance room (near the cafeteria) 3:30-4 and then regular schedule.

Prek has Capoeira 4:45-5:15, then 5:15-6 in the basement
 please note that our prek group are tiny people who take a little longer to collect their things and make it downstairs, please don't be surprised if they're not there immediately.

Kindergarten will have Capoeira next week, so this week they get to enjoy comic book hero class with Tim! This class will happen between 4:15-5 in rm 239B.

 It should be beautiful today so expect our kids to be taking advantage of the nice weather!
 Don't forget tomorrow is the half day, make sure to let us know your child is attending so we can staff accordingly!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Swimming Swimming in the Swimming Pool!

 One of my favorite things to do at after school is jump into the pool! Our little swimmers are bobbing along, and pretty soon some of those first timers will be swimming like fish!
 As some of you know, there is no pressure on our beginners to go underwater, float, or swim on their own. The pace we learn at has to be comfortable for them and so far it's been so fun!

 There are no changes to the schedule! I sure do hope this nice weather stays around!

 Did you know there's a half day on Friday? Did you sign up your child? Have you already put some cash down? It's only $10 11:30-3pm, that's pretty cheap...... You have to sign up before Friday or your child can't come. It's not that they're not welcome, but if I don't know how many kids are coming, I won't know how many adults to staff. Since 95% of my staff are Ella Baker employees, I have to find alternative team leaders to help of half days.

 Thanks for taking the time to read this blog and I hope more parents start to!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yoga in the 5th floor dance room!

Another beautiful day! it's a bit chilly, but still sunny! All of our groups, except prek, will spend a little time outside today, not too long though because it's supposed to be very windy! The schedule has changed slightly so more groups can have fun in yoga!

 note that the 2nd&3rd graders usually have group time in rm 318 at the end of the day, but since we're having a staff meeting today i wanted everyone downstairs so we can start together. there will be post its around the building.

             3-3:30             3:30-4                 4-4:45          4:45-5:15       5:15-6
prek     snack          yoga in dance rm      rm 239a          rm 239a        basement
k                              playground             rm 239b          rm 239b       basement

1stgrade  snack         playground            rm227              yoga            basement
                                                                                in dance rm  
2nd&3rd  snack& homework rm324       yoga                  yard          basement                                                                                                                
                                                             4-4:30          4:30-5:15         5:15-6    
4th&up    snack& homework rm 325    yard    grouptime rm 325   yoga in dance rm

Please note if groups are going outside, I do not control or choose to control where team leaders take their groups. It is up to the children and team leaders to choose which part of the playground/yard/walking route they would like to enjoy. If you choose to pick up your child during their outside time, it is my suggestion that you wait by the front entrance ( since everyone uses that to enter or exit the building) or contact Valerie or myself directly. This way no one runs around willy nilly.
 With that said, since it is slowly getter warmer, we hope to spend as much time as possible outside. There will still be days where it's just too dern cold and we'll have to stay indoors, but always check in on the blog or the schedule posted around Ella Baker.

Still thinking about summer camp? Did you know we have our own lifeguard? If your child is new to swimming we make sure it's an easy experience, we have all summer to learn to swim so we don't mind taking our time with the beginners. Did know that I was the Site Director for our first summer camp and it was awesome? Did you know I will be the Site Director at this camp?? I know, pretty cool, but there's more! I'm always around and I am totally free to answer questions you have about our camp at The Ella Baker School! I hope you consider it, because our camp is going to rock!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Happy Valentine's Day!
Did you know that in the U.S 64% of men do not make plans with their sweethearts for Valentine's Day! That's bananas.

Anywho, it's supposed to be pretty ok today. says 51 degrees, but 19per mile winds!! So, we'll see how the afternoon fairs, and hopefully each group will have at least have a little time outside.
It's also chess today! There should be no schedule changes today, but always check in for updates.
Chipman is really pleased with the 1st graders, and so am I! There is a real change with that group and I'm loving it! We're so excited that they enjoy chess and I can't wait to see how they grow.
 Each group is going to play chess today and every child has potential. Our prek/k group is coming along in chess as well, and I'm sure that can't be easy.If you have a chance take a gander at the schedule and see when your child will be in chess, we love it when parents come to watch their child play chess.

 Interested in summer camp? Still not sure if Empire is the right choice?
Worry no more! Not only is Empire Camp being held at The Ella Baker school, we have tons of classes!Inside AND in Central Park. Field trips 2 times a week, and swim 3 times a week! You might asking yourself, will there be any familar faces? Will my child have trouble adjusting?
Yes, we already have some After school staff signing up for summer camp! Not only will yours truly be the Site Director, but I'm bringing some of my after school staff into the mix. I'm a real campy person (pun intended) and my energy is contagious to all who cross my path. I make it my personal duty to make sure you and your child have a great summer.
 Here's another great thing about this camp, it's not massive! Yes, a great camp experience is bulit on strong relationships. We feel that having a humble sized camp is the best for your child to form a meaningful relationship with their consolers and peers.
 I'm always around, so if you have any questions regarding summer camp feel free to ask anytime, or be sure to check into our camp website:
 Or come back to our blog soon for more info!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Art with Johnny

Hey Hey! It's still pretty chilly out today so you may not see our groups outside today for too long. A quick walk around the block may have to do because it is COLD! If your picking your child up during their outside time, don't walk around looking for them, wait in the building by the main entrance. All of our groups come in and out of that entrance and only that entrance.

 This has been a crazy/fun week! 1st grade are in the lead with 2 pizza party stars with the older groups right behind them. Our first graders were totally awesome in Chipman's chess class on Monday and Wednesday, AND had fun learning to juggle yesterday. I'm so proud of that group!
Our 2nd and 3rd graders are doing better with homework, but it took them a while to get it together in Yoga class on Tuesday. After the class got started they came around, but we need to do better than that since it's only a 45min class. Our eldest group has been working together for a group project, I'm thinking a debate team because everyone has a strong opinion in that group and they all love to talk.But a couple of one act plays is also in order. I really hope they win some more stars because they didn't have ANY last month, keep up the good work guys!

Finally our prek/k groups!Prek had a great time in yoga AND Tim's comic book class. I was so impressed with their knowledge of Marvel superheros!The prek are having so much fun and it's hard to not to giggle when you're around them!
Our kindergarten class won the pizza party last month, but I'm not so sure about this go-around.....Even though our kindergarten class is wonderful and creative, they also are a handful. Each child has their own personality and a pleasure to get to know, but sometimes as a group they can't seem to get it together. They are having trouble lining up and listening during class, but I know that today and next week they will work harder because I know they want that pizza party!
 Even when things get tough, our awesome staff at Empire keep it cool. Remember that they work all day at school and come in with bright shiny faces in the afternoon and it can't be easy! I tell them I love them all the time and I hope you do too!!
 Be sure to check in for more info on changes in schedule and this weekend I'll be putting up info on SUMMER CAMP!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Capoeira today!

Another great day for Empire! There are some slight changes today so be sure to check the schedules in Ella Baker today.

Prek/k will not be going outside today, they will most likely be in the basement for their outdoors time.

1st grade will have Capoeira in the 5th floor dance room at 3:30-4. Prek will have Capoeira at 4:45-5:15 in the 5th floor dance room.

 Tonight at 5:30 is the Empire Camp open house!! We will be speaking about your child's day, what to expect, and payment information. I'm super pumped about summer camp and I know you will be too if you come to the open house!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

No swim!

Oh dear! The pool heater is broken so no swim! That's ok though, Tim and Chipman are here today to teach comic book class and chess!! Hooray!!
 Since there is no swim today, there is a new schedule!!

2/9/11          3-3:30      3:30-4:15            4:15-5             5-5:30          5:30-6
prek k   snack        prek inside          239A +239B          239 a+b        dismissal
                                       k outside

1st          snack       chess in caf.            rm 227               rm227           dismissal

2nd+3rd    snack       HM in rm 322    comic book in    chess               dismissal
                                                            in basement     in basement     

4th+up     snack       rm 325                chess in 325      comic book      dismissal
                                                                                     in basement

 Feel free to call with any questions!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Let's stretch out with Yoga!

Hey hey!
Today is another great day at Empire! There are a couple of schedule changes today because I want every group to get a chance to try yoga if we can. We have the yoga teachers from 3:30-6 so we're going to try and squeeze in as many  groups as possible today.
Be sure to check the schedules posted around Ella Baker to confirm any of the schedule changes here in the blog.
1st grade has Yoga 3:30-4 in the 5th floor dance room, then regular schedule
Prek has Yoga 4:45-5:15 in the 5th floor dance room,5:15-6 in the basement
2nd and 3rd grade have Yoga 4-4:45 in the 5th floor dance room
4th and up have Yoga 5:15-6 in the 5th floor dance room
 I hope this helps and there will be schedule changes posted in the building.

 The prek class will not be outside because they will be in Yoga class today. Kindergarten will go for a walk at the designated time and have a regular schedule. Always feel free to call if you have any questions!

Monday, February 7, 2011


Empire's Regional Director Matt Chipman will be spending time with our groups teaching chess today. Shayna Cannon, team leader for 4th and up is absent today, so Bridget will most likely be chilling with that group. If you have any questions as to where that group may be, feel free to call Bridget directly!

There's still time for each group to earn good behavior stars this week, the first group to reach 4 stars gets a pizza party Feb. 18th!
 It's not too shabby out, so every group will spend sometime outside either walking around the building or staying close to the yard area. The playground is too wet and slippery so don't expect to see any groups on the jungle gym.
 We also have a new staff member starting this week, you might have seen him last week getting the hang of things. His name is Evan and he'll be working with the 2nd and 3rd grade group 5 days a week. He works with film and is excited to be joining our team!
Be sure to check in for any schedule changes on this blog OR on any of the schedules posted around the building.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Art with Johnny!

Another beautiful day in the greatest city in the world!
Yes you will find some of our kids outside, but not for too long. There shouldn't be any serious changes today and Johnny is ready to get creative with our kids.
Yesterday at capoeira, the 4th and up group rocked the house! The 2nd and 3rd graders were a little too rowdy in class, but their Team Leader Jackie Kirkland sat down with them after class and chilled out for a bit, I know next week will be a lot more fun.
 Tim showed the prek/k how to draw their favorite superheros and taught the kids the back rounds of some of their favorite characters. I got to sit in on one of the classes and it was really fun.
The 1st graders got to try Capoeira for he first time yesterday so there was a slight change in schedule that may have been confusing for some parents.
 If you're not sure where your child is, make sure to check our schedule because Valerie and I always post classroom changes, or if a group is running late, and they do, please call Val or myself so you don't have to run around the building. It's my job to make this an awesome after school program and it's also my job to help you out, so let me!!
Be sure to check the blog because we'll adding any changes to the schedule here and around the building as they happen!