Monday, February 14, 2011


Happy Valentine's Day!
Did you know that in the U.S 64% of men do not make plans with their sweethearts for Valentine's Day! That's bananas.

Anywho, it's supposed to be pretty ok today. says 51 degrees, but 19per mile winds!! So, we'll see how the afternoon fairs, and hopefully each group will have at least have a little time outside.
It's also chess today! There should be no schedule changes today, but always check in for updates.
Chipman is really pleased with the 1st graders, and so am I! There is a real change with that group and I'm loving it! We're so excited that they enjoy chess and I can't wait to see how they grow.
 Each group is going to play chess today and every child has potential. Our prek/k group is coming along in chess as well, and I'm sure that can't be easy.If you have a chance take a gander at the schedule and see when your child will be in chess, we love it when parents come to watch their child play chess.

 Interested in summer camp? Still not sure if Empire is the right choice?
Worry no more! Not only is Empire Camp being held at The Ella Baker school, we have tons of classes!Inside AND in Central Park. Field trips 2 times a week, and swim 3 times a week! You might asking yourself, will there be any familar faces? Will my child have trouble adjusting?
Yes, we already have some After school staff signing up for summer camp! Not only will yours truly be the Site Director, but I'm bringing some of my after school staff into the mix. I'm a real campy person (pun intended) and my energy is contagious to all who cross my path. I make it my personal duty to make sure you and your child have a great summer.
 Here's another great thing about this camp, it's not massive! Yes, a great camp experience is bulit on strong relationships. We feel that having a humble sized camp is the best for your child to form a meaningful relationship with their consolers and peers.
 I'm always around, so if you have any questions regarding summer camp feel free to ask anytime, or be sure to check into our camp website:
 Or come back to our blog soon for more info!