Monday, September 19, 2011

Fall is in the air

Can you feel that chill in the wind? The smell of the leaves? In West Virginia, I love it when fall comes. When I was a kid, I loved to get up in the morning and look out my window. The mountains would be a quilt of colors and the air smelled like wood. Not like a tree, but wood that's just been cut for a fire, that kind. Even though my heart is in West Virginia, "Autumn in New York" is equally as beautiful.
 What a great week to talk about! We have some great classes and new kids joining us this week. The kids are doing a great job getting used to the schedule and I commend them for their efforts in trying to get to a place at the right time...seriously! It's not easy moving place to place and I know we haven't nailed it down yet, but thank you for being patient!
 Speaking of moving around, some of the classroom assignments have changed. I know it will be confusing at first and I apologize for that. Since we want to work cohesively with the Ella Baker teachers, we don't want to burden them with our presence everyday. So, each group will be utilizing 2 classrooms throughout the week so we don't ware out our welcome in any classroom.
 The schedule will be fixed accordingly and when I have the final room numbers they will be posted not only around the building and in the new schedules, but I shall put them in the blog.
 Thank you so much for your support and patience with this new schedule, and I believe it will work for everyone!
 Please feel free to call or email me anytime with questions, concerns, or just to chat. I love talking to people and I'm eager to get to know all of our new families and get better acquainted with our returning ones.
 See you soon!