Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Empire Pizza Party!

OH BOY! I've been waiting for this pizza party! I LOVE having a good time and today is going to be great!
The Schedule will be CHANGED today for the party, AND it looks like rain for the rest of the day....darn. But making gram cracker houses,eating pizza, and dancing should be enough fun to help forget about the rain.

 Thank you to everyone who gave $5 for a DVD or gift wrapping! Thanks to you we can have a stellar party and YOU will have a gift waiting to be opened for your holidays! Since the gift wrapping was so popular I'm bringing in a few more gifts today just in case! If there's a big enough demand for it, we can extend the wrapping till Thursday, but since I won't be at school on Friday ( I gotta high tail it to DC!) I won't be around to run the wrapping session.
 So, hopefully everyone who wants to gift wrap can do it today!
 Thank you again to everyone for their best wishes, donations, and positive outlook on life itself.
Peace to you my friend!
 P.S. Don't forget that next Empire will be running Holiday Programming Monday thru Friday!!! Valerie sent out an email so be sure to check it out. There are hard copies of the application for next week in the basement!