Friday, December 16, 2011

What a lovely day!

It's just beautiful outside today! I can't believe that it's December and that it feels like September......weird....
 Anywho, I'm bringing some DVDs in today for people to purchase for their loved ones,friends, or just to have forever! The DVD includes the showcase ( which is broken up into 3 parts) and the slideshow.  I made about 20 copies, so if there are none left by the time you get to me today, I'll have more on Monday.
 We're also starting the gift wrapping today. Give your child $5 (or myself or Val) and they can choose several gifts to wrap for you, the babysitter, or grandma! If they don't get a chance this afternoon, we will be gift wrapping Monday and Tuesday as well.
 Empire will be having a pizza party for the Empire KIDS on Wednesday Dec.21.....I capitalized KIDS because Parents eat bigger slices of pizza, and we can't have that! But feel free to come and enjoy the holiday season with us, eat sensible slices of pizza ( leave some for the kids) and have some good ol fashioned fun!