Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How awesome!

That was fantastic! I had so much fun! I hope you did too. If you'd like to keep the slideshow (which is awesome) and the showcase forever and ever, or give to a friend or family member, I would be more than hapy to give you a copy! PLease let me or Valerie know you'd like to have one, give us $5 and your wish is granted! All the sweet sweet money we make off this sweet sweet DVD go straight to the holiday pizza party!!!!!
 I never have enough time to talk to every parent after a show like this, but I'm dying to know what you thought, so please feel free to drop a comment at the blog! Thank you all so much for coming! I'm editing the showcase now, and I'll post it up.
 But if you buy the DVD, the showcase will be "pumped up" so your $5 is the best $5 you ever spent!